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Jealousy Is An Evil

Watashi Wa


So is a $499 price tag on a freaking phone. But as the title says, I'm jealous. I don't care who you are, the iPhone is the bomb.com. I've been needing a phone for ages now, and this phone is beyond cool. Besides the hefty price tag, the only thing that bothers me is that it's with Cingular/AT&T which gets service everyone, except my house, where I need it most. Oh, and you have to sign up for a plan. Pay-as-you-Go iPhone? YES PLEASE.


The UI is the best I've seen as far as I can tell.

Multi-touch is awesome (I'm waiting for a DS with multi-touch. Bring it, Nintendo!)

The apps are only going to get better.

Not to mention, my friends would be so jealous. :P

It's a better value than the PS3.


I'll probably end up waiting for the 2nd or 3rd gen, when all the kinks get worked out. Knowing Apple that will be in anywhere from six months to a year and a half.


I still want one. *sigh..continues search for a reasonable phone*


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Haha, waiting a year for kinks to be worked out by Apple is so much better than waiting several lifetimes for Microsoft to iron out the kinks in their products.


But seriously, I want one too. Hardcore want.

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Ya know, when it comes to cell phones, I don't need the most fancy phone. Give me something that makes calls so I can keep in touch with people. I also think that no matter how cool the phone may be, $499 and $599 are way overpriced for a device you will use mainly to call people (plus the plans for the iPhone are insane as well).
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