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Wrinkledlion X


I've decided to stop talking to myself and instead talk to a bunch of other people. And by "talk" I mean "complain."

I went swimming at a public pool for my friend's birthday a couple days ago, and it's had some unexpected consequences... I was under the impression that June 28 was on a Friday, but it wound up being on a Thursday. So I got a call asking if I was coming, which woke me up.

Half-awake as I was, I ran to his house without sunscreen. I'm very susceptible to sunburns, but I thought they would have sunscreen. They did, but it wound up being that cheap spray-on sunscreen that doesn't work. I didn't know it didn't, so I used it anyways.

Now I have second degree burns all over my body. They're blistering and peeling off and I'm in constant pain.


This sucks excessively.


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The last time I got a sunburn I had to go onstage a couple hours later... that sucked too, but it wasn't nearly as bad as your's, as it sounds.


The good thing about sunburns is that they go away... eventually. The bad thing is that thye lead to skin cancer... :(


Put on some alo vera, or this green goop. It helps.



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