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The Undead Blog, Rpg News




Hello, all. I'm posting this entry for two reasons.

1) To assure yall that this blog is not dead. :) Just overloaded by homework (summer classes...), the latest BZPower Reference Project, which is very time-consuming (wish I could say more--but you'll find out hopefully this summer!), and #2:

2) News on the RPG (Bionicle Paracosmos: The Map of Mata Nui). The topic may be dead, but the RPG is not--Ojhilom and I are hard at work getting that skeletal version of the Le-Koro Level ready for this summer. We're connecting as much of the storyline and boss battles as humanly possible together, so it should be possible to play through the next update to the end. Minor enemies are being neglected for now as well as some side-graphics, and all mini-games (although we've got a complete roster for music ready).

But wait, there's more.

That image in the banner above is not part of the Le-Koro Level. It's Kini Nui Hall-- the last level. That's right--we're going to have this update finish the RPG (minus the minor stuff for later updates). Sometime this summer if all goes as planned, Bionicle Paracosmos fans will get to play through to the end of the RPG's storyline. And if you're curious about the BP's mysteries, you're really gonna wanna play this. :D It's digging deeper than any of you have even guessed yet, and hopefully will leave you wanting more. :)

Also has credits at the end, and a lot of you guys are on it--thanks for everything yall have done to help. ^_^ The story ends then, but you can still explore and unlock some bonus content.

The plan then will be to put up Epic 3 ASAP after that update of the RPG (which will obviously be a new topic). The storyline from here on out will be all written--no more RPGs. Just too time consuming for us--and this RPG is the most important storyline that could work for the format.

In a hurry so won't make this an essay -- I'll just leave you with two teaser screenshots, these two from Le-Koro. First is my favorite graphic other than some of the bad guys (these are Rahi that Guard Tohunga ride; Towerleg birds--infected ones were in Epic 2), and second is the Main Pad in the Koro--that's Matau's hut, and that's everybody's favorite hovering Air Toa nearby. :)

Click images for large size.




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the latest BZPower Reference Project, which is very time-consuming (wish I could say more--but you'll find out hopefully this summer!)


Waaaaaaiiiiiiiit.... so are you done with your work? :P


Darnz and TLH still need to get a leg up -- geeze...


I'm seriously considering stealing their work right about now. In fact, I think I will :P



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