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I Feel Like I Should Be Adding An Entry...



... but honestly today was less interesting than usual for a day in NYC...


Well, BZP isn't working for me, like that's new. But I so wanna reply to that comment Greg (AdioBam) posted in my profile... :P But alas I can't... nor can I add friends, quick edit, manage blog entries, content blocks, or anything.


Today in class we saw a dissassembled iPod and learned how they're made... well, basic anatomy of one in any case.


I ate a very expensive sandwich today...


Anything else interesting?


Oh and I'm making an absurdly complex but actually pretty nifty-looking design for class. We're doing a power point, you know.


Also, other countries' "Learn English" commercials are hilarious... some are a pretty PG-13 though, but the German one is safe and very funny.


Also... Snapple caps.


Dragonflies have six legs, but cannot walk.


And I'm reading a book called Soon I Will Be Invincible which is an interesting take on the classic superhero genre. See, with deep and realistic backstories, motivations, shedding light on the problems of having powers and the complications and how people dream about being a superhero, but really, when it really happens, it's not something you can stop dreaming about and return to the real world, it's always there, hanging over you...


Shows that superheroes are really... dare I say it?


More than meets the eye?




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Well, BZP isn't working for me, like that's new. But I so wanna reply to that comment Greg (AdioBam) posted in my profile... tongue.gif But alas I can't... nor can I add friends, quick edit, manage blog entries, content blocks, or anything.

Switch to a skin other than 2.1 Default.

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I'm not ON 2.1 default. It just doesn't work, really. It's Javascript. Explained it tons of times... this was my dad's old work computer, and the company locked custom internet security settings, so I can't turn JS stuff on.

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That's the problem with IPB... it's not all that accessible if you don't have JavaScript.


But I do, so... HA! :P

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