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Transformers And Iron



Niki went to the movie theater yesterday.


Niki saw Transformers.


Niki liked Transformers.


Niki didn't like so much off-color stuff in Transformers.


The animation made it worth Niki's money, though.




Niki now wants to watch TV Transformers, as Niki has not watched Transfomers since Beast Wars first appeared on television.




Niki liked Beast Wars better than the movie.




Oh yeah...and, um... totally unrelated subject...


I'm having some iron problems that are messing up my inner clockworks. My mother thinks it may be anemia.




So don't be confused if I suddenly fall asleep on my keyboard. It's happened five times this last week. :P




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I'm with you: if I could find a way to *cough* download some of the Beast Wars I would. Or Robots in Disguise. Because that was great. :D


*throws fish at Nikira*



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I saw Transformers at the first showing a few days back, I thought it was the bestest movie ever, save for some things here and there. It was funny though, I remember how much I liked Transformers when I was little, and then as I got older I grew out of it and nearly forgot all about it. Then I hear about this movie, and then I got to see it, and it's like my inner child got unlocked again. Because through the whole movie my friends were like "Who is that?" and I'd go "Oh that's Ratchet!"


Oh noez, anemia.....that kind of tongue ties me for some reason. o_O I hope you get better though, doesn't sound that good.

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The animation was great.



Aw, hope you get better. ^_^ On the bright side Magneto won't be able to throw you around via the iron content in your bloodstream, AND you're guarunteed not to set off airport metal detectors!


... that was sadistically wrong, I'm sorry. I realy do hope you get better though. =3

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Beast Wars ROCKED.


I KNOW. It had, like, a followable and somewhat complex storyline to boot! =D



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Guest Cap'n Bionicle


Beast Wars rocked my sox. The movie did too, but less so.
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Well, if you liked Beast Wars, I heard somewhere that Michael Bay may be considering that for the subject of the Second Film.... Or maybe that was Dinobots....

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Well, if you liked Beast Wars, I heard somewhere that Michael Bay may be considering that for the subject of the Second Film.... Or maybe that was Dinobots....

It was Dinobots, I believe.



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