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Amazing Thunderstorm



That's my state for you. It was cloudy yesterday, and so I was indoors (I could have done something outside actually, but didn't want to). After lunch, I came down to the computer. A short while later I heard a really loud thunder um....thunder blast? Crack? Thunder boom? I told the people I was chatting with I might have to go. I was in the process of shutting down (hesitant about closing a video that had taken 2 hours and was only uploaded 51%), when another loud thunder ____ was heard. Dad called me upstairs.


I went upstairs to see what he wanted, without shutting down. He only wanted me to watch the storm. Another even louder blast was preceded by lightning, but only by a fraction of a second. This was close, lighting up the whole sky. Then it started hailing. How it can hail when the lightning is heating the air I don't know. It was bouncing off the trampoline a few feet. Looked like popcorn being made. The street was a river, which is rare in this state.


Going outside to check on the non-functioning rain gutter, my dad and I felt a warm breeze. Sun came out. Shortly after (by the time I'd restarted the comp) it started again. It's amazing fast-change weather in this state usually, but that was just amazing. Not good that it started two fires though (or at least the siren went off twice during the storms).


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You're lucky. Here in Oklahoma we have had nearly nonstop rain... I havn't gotten anything accomplished this summer because of it. This weekend was the only dry weekend I have seen for a while, but the rain is supposed to start up again tommorow.
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"The weather in Ithaca can go from cloudy to sunny to rainy to hailing skittles in a ten-minute timespan."



I doubt you live in Ithaca, but it fits nontheless.

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Frakin: Yes, quite fitting.

NP: Yes, yes.

Xanis: Better than nonstop fire, if you think about it


Update: It turns out that one of the lightning strikes hit the courthouse. Three blocks away.

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