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So, Is Transformers A Really Awesome Movie I Should See, Or What?



I haven't been blogging as much due to an explosion of summer jobs which caught me by surprise. They have been cutting into my free time a lot, but on the plus side, I'm making in excess of $70 a week, so I can't complain. Also, the weather's very nice right now, so I'm spending more time than usual outside enjoying all the nature and stuff. Oh yes, and I was inspired to start building my first spaceship in months. 'tis curvy-SNOT-a-licious! The only problem is I can't build it in black/lime green like I wanted. *grr* I have to settle for black/dark blue, black/yellow or black/reddish brown.

For those of you who went into cardiac arrest after reading the title, I should explain that I wanted to see Transformers (38 separate BZPers can't be all wrong), but was outvoted by my friends (the ones who aren't vacationing in Wisconsin), so I saw Ratatouille instead. It was very good. Not the most quotable movie IMHO, but the animation was top-notch (the rats' movements were incredibly realistic) and the story was great.


*hopes he never gets abducted by aliens*


*Prays Tufi doesn't follow the same system for assigning MOCs to polls as she did last time*


*Plots to go see Transformers next week*




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Oh, you should go see it!! Otherwise you'll have missed out on the best movie to come out in the last three years.


I won't spoil anything for you, though. :P




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It's bloody awesome. It is made of infinite win. It's got robots and erm, stuff. And they're really awesome robots.

It's pretty much the most worthy movie I've seen in a long while.

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