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We've been experiencing record heat up here for the last few days. The temperature is past 90 degrees, which has never happened as far back as I can remember. Over the last few years, temperatures have been in the low 80s, tops. Anyway, I've been spending as much time as possible inside, where it is marginally cooler. I allowed myself 11 days to reread all the Harry Potter books in preparation for Deathly Hallows, but what with the heat and all, I've already finished the first two and am starting on Prisoner of Azkaban. I think five days would have been sufficient.

Oh yes, and I saw Transformers. I knew next to nothing about it [The names of two of the Autobots (who I didn't know were called Autobots) and similar tidbits], and had no previous conceptions about what the movie should be like, so I had no problem with any of the stuff that happened that apparently didn't happen in the old movie. As others have said, it was light on the plot, but the number of things I saw that made me want to shout "That is so freaking AWESOME!!" more than made up for it. Thank Bob for air-conditioned theaters.




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We thank "Bob" indeed! May the holy name of J.R. "Bob" Dobbs bring us airconditioned theaters in which we can achieve Slack!


May hope come from his holy pipe! May we all be saved with THE WORLD ENDS.

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LMK is now officially weirder than anyone I know, even IRL.

Po: Indeed, the hottest it got yesterday was 94 degrees. I hear it reached 100 on other parts of the Peninsula though...



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