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Fire (drill?)... In The Rain



Well I still dunno if it was a drill or what, when I asked a firefighter he said it was a "false alarm," but of all days it HAD to happen on the day there was a STORM. Ugh...


Luckily it wasn't coming down really hard when we got out but it was still definitely raining and not small enough to be considered drizzle yet. Man, though, I tell ya, loudest fire alarm I've ever heard. Right in my room, too. I'm typing the next chapter of Makuta Rehearsals and WHOOOOOOOOO! I was like, "AUGH!"


Luckily though, because of the storm, I didn't spend a cent today, which is good, because I think I already used 200 bucks. I oughta make friends that are as cheap as I am, so I don't have to pay for those fun but expensive outings into the city :P . With me, it's subway, and anything else must be within walking distance of a station. Movies? Seen way more in these two weeks than I generally watch in a year. Food? Heck, I'll take any old place, but if it's a sit-down waiter-served restaurant, probably not. Hot dog for a buck? I'll take it. Giant slice of pizza (I'm not kidding, it's huge. Incidentally it inspired my avatar :P ) for three bucks? Okay. I probably should bring my own water along, too.


I'm just raised cheap, y'know. Never had like a real, restaurant steak. Rare, medium rare, well done? I haven't a clue. If my parents don't feel like cooking, we go to China Star buffet or McDonalds, not some place with an unpronounceable name in French or Italian (no offense to any French or Italians, of course. I'm sure they're beautiful languages, I just don't understand them :P ).


I got incredibly off track there. Uh...


Oh yeah. Water balloon fight at midday break (before the rain, of course, when it was really hot out), but it was kind of sad... I didn't even get hit, and the other side was barely throwing. And the balloon slingshot I bought yesterday had horrible aim, but of course the point of that is to go "WHOA" when it launches a balloon over the heads of the opposing team and into the wall of the dorm hall.


And... Mayaaaaaa...


I'm gonna have to download Blender or something when I get home, if the interface is similar enough I could really get into the 3D thing. I'm not spending 7000 dollars on something that's just currently intriguing me (there is a Maya free trial though...).


I so wanna learn textures and how to properly color objects (I've done it, but I don't think it was the conventional way, probably some odd roundabout method).


Also, all that typing of that Makuta Rehearsal chapter has left me with an obsessive urge to hit ctrl-s after every paragraph when writing this entry, or a forum post. Very strange.




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