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VBS - GAME DAY CENTRAL: 4 of 5 days completed alive. Sanity: Stable, but Groggy.


Hi again. I'm still alive! 8D


My friend didn't die, of course. All the kids were like, "OMG teacher, were you scared?" XD


We had a minorly major incident today with a couple of the boys beating each other up. O_o We shall now keep them seperated. Or threaten to put them with the girls when they misbehave. Both work fairly well.


So tonight's the big 'ol family night, where the kids bring their parents and show them all the rooms and what they've been doing and stuff like that. And we get hot dogs. Which is nice, consdiering that that rain over UK's house a couple days ago decided NOT to come over here, so yay. =D


Oh and:


Blood work got in today.


I am now officially a hypoglycemic anemic. I get to take iron.




My guy friend (the one that's not a boyfriend, cause we ain't dating) is gonna laugh at me, because he asked if I had anemia when I told him I was all tired and stuff. (He had severe anemia about a year ago - a blood count of 4 really does horrible things to a person.) My blood count isn't as low as his was, I'm sure. I don't really know what mine is, anyways, so I could be wrong. :P


At least now I have something interesting to put on medical forms, for once in my life. XD


I'll try to put up an entry tomorrow morning before I leave. I won't get a chance afterwards - I'm headed for Georgia right after VBS cleanup. :)




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Vbs = Vacation Bible School.


I wub little kids. I just don't particularly enjoy babysitting them. XD



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I am now officially a hypoglycemic anemic. I get to take iron.

My best friend is the same way. Except she's also allergic to wheat. And cats. And dogs. And oranges. Etc. She also has asthma. And migraines. Etc and so forth.


So you could have even more interesting things to put on a medical form. But I don't think you want them.

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At least you aren't allergic to 87% of what's in the AIR. I spoke with someone who was.


And hey, guys, I've never had enough ROOM on the medical part. So don't be all, 'wah i have no problems'

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I know, the school sign-up form was awful bland before I acquired a heart defect. :P


I am very... uneducated on blood... things. Is anemia something that can be "fixed"?

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Whoot, VBS! Once you get too old, then you get to teach, and that's almost more fun. XD I can't teach at our VBS this year....but it's because I'm going to Disneyland, so it's not too bummish. :P


Yay, iron. Best wishes with all that. Hey true, now your medical history looks different from most peoples'! Mine only says, "Don't feed her penticillin or any other kinda cillin!"

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Good to know it's not too dire. :)


What I put on my Med. Forms is:


"Cannot have milk on empty stomach"


Thank God I don't like milk anyway. If it was licorice... :P


BTW, how long will ye be in Georgia?



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We had a minorly major incident today with a couple of the boys beating each other up. O_o We shall now keep them seperated. Or threaten to put them with the girls when they misbehave. Both work fairly well.


I prefer the latter option. :P



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Anemia is a deficiency in iron in the blood, and since iron is the core atom of the hemoglobin molecule, the red blood cells cannot carry oxygen as effectively and therefore the lack of enough hydrogen acceptors in cellular respiration causes one to tire easily because aerobic respiration cannot be performed for as long.


Yay for Biology class actually coming in handy! :happydance:


Stick the misbehaving boys with the girls. And have them play house with them. They can be the daddies. And the mommies can kiss them goodbye when they leave for work in the mornings.


COOTIES! *cackles*


HH, you banner rocks. :P


It rained yesterday, here. Horribly. I mean, like BLAM BANG kind of thunder and KSSHSHSHSHSH kind of rain.


Yeah I don't have much for the medical forms... heh.

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At least you aren't allergic to 87% of what's in the AIR. I spoke with someone who was.


And hey, guys, I've never had enough ROOM on the medical part. So don't be all, 'wah i have no problems'


I'm not complaining. I'm just stating a fact. :P I'm allergic to absolutely nothing (besides, y'know, the normal reactions to poison ivy and mosquitoes and stuff), and I never needed any extra medication until now, so all I ever had to do with a medical form was write my name, age, address, and phone number. XD


I am very... uneducated on blood... things. Is anemia something that can be "fixed"?


Pretty much - I just need to get my hemoglobin count up to a decent level. Thus the iron. ;)


BTW, how long will ye be in Georgia?




8 days.




Anemia is a deficiency in iron in the blood, and since iron is the core atom of the hemoglobin molecule, the red blood cells cannot carry oxygen as effectively and therefore the lack of enough hydrogen acceptors in cellular respiration causes one to tire easily because aerobic respiration cannot be performed for as long.


Yay for Biology class actually coming in handy! :happydance:


I'm not scared of no evil bad guy. :P


Yep, that's pretty much it. :lol: You should of seen said freind that I mentioned in my blog entry. He came to church a couple days after he'd been in the hospital for anemia, and he was as white as a ghost. oO



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Anemia is a deficiency in iron in the blood, and since iron is the core atom of the hemoglobin molecule, the red blood cells cannot carry oxygen as effectively and therefore the lack of enough hydrogen acceptors in cellular respiration causes one to tire easily because aerobic respiration cannot be performed for as long.

The funny thing is that I understood all that. :blink:



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