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Modern Art

Kopaka's Ice Engineering


The allure and statement of stripes and circles is something I'll never grasp.

A very circuitously-related opening shot, yes, but a segment from last Sunday's CBS Sunday Morning came to mind, and I had to address it.



Last year, around Halloween, I bought a book.

Tonight, 8½ months later, I finally finished reading it.


Mind you, I wasn't reading it consistently: it was only 31 chapters & 2 appendices (and the last 5 chapters were read tonight).


I'm not going to say that I'm proud to have read it. It was then, and is now, multiple case studies on manipulating... other people, not images.


I think I'm marginally better for it: I now know why some past actions, intentional and not, were received as they were. I'm more aware of what I am emanating as well as what I am saying.

But I doubt its practicality to me. It talks of making matters I take seriously into a game. A source of diversion.

To follow its advice would be to ceaselessly play with the emotions of another. Of others.


I can't do that.


I don't mind trying to play the part of orchestral conductor from time to time, but I can't nor won't do it all the time. I am not that person. Thus, I do not accept the book's counsel as beneficial to me.


I will say this: I do thank the woman who recommended I read it. Before hers and mine paths on the internet crossed, I would never have been able to make certain actions that needed to be made. I hope to be able to say I will be even more grateful later than I am right now, but then, there must be time for love to grow.


I want to be that person, and I know I am not that person yet.



If anyone is wondering why I'm being so vague, well yes, it's by design. I'm not going to divulge the title of the book, but I will close with this point, especially for any college freshmen who are leaving home to go to school: Be wary of those who attempt to isolate you from your past: there must be very good reasons why your friends and family are your friends and family, and that should not be naught without equally good reasons.




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Yeah, I have a lot of trouble reading books quickly. There's just always something else to do. Hope things work out for you and yours! :D


Keehee, you should take my blog off the "Trying to Get Into" list! It's in there! :P

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Heh. Some books are kinda fishy. But, still, this kind of mental manipulation is - eck - all too common inside some industries/offices/wherever-where-tension-can-grow.


Ah well. Now you know it, you can manipulate your way to avoid it.





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Yeah, that's what I'm taking away from it, <dd>: I can now recognize when I'm being played, and can thus make a clear decision if I want to play along.

By the same token, I know the rudiments of taking someone else on that same ride, but like I said, I'm not the kind of person to actually do that.




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Yeah, that's what I'm taking away from it, <dd>: I can now recognize when I'm being played, and can thus make a clear decision if I want to play along.

By the same token, I know the rudiments of taking someone else on that same ride, but like I said, I'm not the kind of person to actually do that.




Which is nice to know... I personally dislike situations where I have to choose what I'm going to accept as beneficial to me and what I'm going to throw out with the trash. I'd rather all things to be straightforwardly one-way or the other (which is really a horrible way to prefer things if I want to go through life being put in the types of situations in which I'd like to be). (In other words, in situations like the book you read, I'd rather not have to parse through it as you did; I'd be too afraid of making a poor judgement and being played by the book, so to speak.)


I'm gald that you received something useful from the piece.

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