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And Now For The Weather...



I have a couple of cool blogs I want to write up, but I have no real inspiration to do so. Thus, I am posting a blog to talk about the weather.


But it's cool weather. And not in temperature. This week has been a real hot one. Up to 103 degrees F (I'm not even going to try to spell Farenheights...) Although, at one point, the thermometer recorded 107, but it was probably also picking up heat off the cement. I don't know the conversion to degrees F to Celcius... but it's been hot enough. I'm supposed to be digging holes in the backyard, but in this heat, I would probably roast. Since I'm also lazy, I decided not to roast, and by the time the temperature reaches ideal levels, the brightness in the sky is lacking (AKA, the sun goes down)


But what was really cool (and yes, it was a bit cooler, though it did happen at night) was the thunderstorms. I used to live in a place where we had t-storms all the time, and lightning was a common event. So I know the whole drill: run around like crazy and unplug the computer, TV, stereo, and all the cool electronic stuff that could be fried. And when outside, don't be the tallest thing around, and don't stand under the tallest thing around. And if you insist on sitting in the swimming pool holding up a long metal rod, then make sure to have a lottery ticket in your pocket.*


Of course, we hardly get t-storms out here in Washington state the Moon Titan (you know, where my location thing says I am), so I didn't go through the unplug phase at first. But I got outside and watched the lightning light up the sky. It was pretty cool to see the flashes and hear the thunder. Sure, I was at risk, because if you can hear the thunder, you can get struck by lightning, but I took the chance. It was a pretty amazing show, and it lasted all night. However, since we did eventually unplug the computer, I couldn't go on BZP and report on it. So here I am, a full 24 hours later, typing it up. But, hey, whatever keeps me from digging holes.


I'll be reviewing that titan I got soon. Need to play with it some more. I would take pictures... but the flash on my camera died. That's really annoying...




*Anybody get that joke? You're more likely to get struck by lightning than to win the lottery. Ha ha ha ha... hum.


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Thunderstroms are the best weather ever, ever. We don't get 'em as strong as you (never knew unplugging electrical alliances was a precaution you had to take).


And stop teasing us about this titan. 1) I want to know what it is and 2) I'm jealous 'cause they aren't out over here yet.



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I remembered being fascinated by lightning the first time I noticed it. However, it was always accompanied by rain, so one can't stand outside and watch the show.


Lucky you.





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I was wondering if you'd gotten hit to, now I know. :) Say, was there any hail up your way? We got hit by hail that was twice as big as normal. And about tuesday, I like hot weather! It meant my dads chorus rehearsal he took me to was half the normal length, and I got to go to the after-glow!

Daydreamer, what do you mean rain? This storm brought hail! :D

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Three things.


1) Fahrenheit

2) search for online conversions

3) Try those temperatures with 60% relative humidity, then we'll talk "unbearable"



1- Too lazy to use spell check

2- Know where to find conversions, but too lazy to look

3- That's why I like living up here. :P



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