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Wow. This has to be a weird day (even if it is BZPower's fifth anniversary. :) )

This is so COOL! Too bad it won't last long, but I don't care much. Enjoy it while you can! :happy:


I know this is my first entry, and if I had something suitable to say, I'd say it. But I've got nothing. Only that I had a wacky dream last night about Sheik. :blink:


Then again, it looked so Ocarina of Time. :P


Well, we got a puppy from the last few weeks (or about a month ago) It's a pug; her name is Lucy. I thought up the name myself and the family liked it. Thank you Chronicles of Narnia! :happydance:

Lucy's the runt (or at least next to the runt, but the runt died, so now Lucy is the smallest of the litter.) What was funny about her is that when we first got her, and she began to eat her food out of the bowl, her front feet went inside the bowl, and her hind feet went up into the air. It was so funny to watch! :superfunny:


Now I'd like to share with you a little story. It was funny and had a good ending, and it's true. :)


When I was about eight or so, I went to Vacation Bible School(as usually) and the theme that year, I believe, was about ancient Israel. When it came time for us to experience how the ancient Israelites wrote(you know, with hard clay and sticks) I was determined to get one of those feathered pens(I thought they looked kind of cool). Unfortunetly everyone took the avaible ones, and I was stuck with a long stick (almost like a lanky pencil). I began throwing a fit, but I had to deal with it anyway.


When I got home, I was just obsessed if we had anything to do with the Hebrew language, and I began checking books. Finally, I came across a Hebrew Bible (why we have a Hebrew Bible, I have no idea, because we aren't Jewish. We're Romanian). I didn't care though. I began looking through the Bible (and, of course, I couldn't understand a single thing. Those symbols give me a headache :wacko:) And guess what I found stuck RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE?!


$60. I found $60 inside that Hebrew Bible. I then ran to my parents and began squealing, "Look, Mama! Look Daddy! I found $60 in the Bible!"


Just goes to show that God works in strange miracles. And whenever I look at that Bible, I always remember what happened. Seriously, I was excited. :D


Well, hopefully when I grow up, I'll become a writer. And a teacher here at my local elementary school. :)

I've done pretty good last year in Writing (considering I got a 4 on TAKS. 4 being the best, 1 being the worst. You get the picture.) :)


Well, uh, I'll just enjoy my day as a regular member with super powers! :evilgrin:


LOL! THANK YOU BZPOWER! :happydance: :lol:


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Lucky Hahligirl. Always finding money in books. XD


And I didn't know you lived in Romania before! I only thought you went there on vacation! Inattentive me...



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No, no, no. :)

I was born here in the United States, along with my younger brother. My parents, and grandparents came from Romania.


In short: My brother and I are the first of our family to be born here. We're American by Romanian decent. And yes, I did go there to Romania for the first time in my life last summer, and I met my cousins. We watched Spider-man 2 (and that wasn't in Romanian, good heavens!)


There was this bloody game they had, I always played as the girl, and I kept on kicking Marion's(one of my cousins) butt! Yeah! :happydance:


*Sigh* Did you know that Vlad Dracula was born in Romania? I even saw the house he was born in. And it isn't far from where my dad was born, either. :)

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Oh, I get it now. Me feels like a fool. XD


Well, nice to see you here! :)


But the humidity made it feel like well over 100, plus there was no wind, making it very hot indeed, in response to your comment in my blog.



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Man, I wish my blog was this popular. :(

Great for you, $60!

That was wierd, because I had a

kitten named Wysp. And it was NOT my

idea. I PROMISE! And then my friend has

a kitten named Link,

and he's a LoZ freak. And I mean

Freak in the most obsessed way.

And it was not his idea either! @_@

Is that wierd or what?!



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Wow. Very weird, Wysp. :blink:


Well, my dad placed the $60 there several years before, but I never knew that, and they likely forgot about it...until I found it. :P

I'm quite a seeker. Obsession does things to you. :rolleyes:


Now Lucy's barking. She sounds so cute when she does that. My mom says that pugs are so ugly, they're cute. I think I have to agree with her. Lucy's quite an adorable pug...for a pug. :)

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$60 is much better than I've ever gotten in a book, the best thing I've found was a card.



LOL! Really? It was merely a good coincidence a bit of God's hand. :) :happydance:


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i got a twenty dollar gift card out of a deck of cards before! but, it was a christmas present, so it really doesn't count. anyway...er...what was i gonna say? oh yeah! my dog, maximillion or max for short, is a chihuaha. and, when you grab his snout and shake just a little, he'll pull his lips back, growl at you, and lick his lips. he looks like a demon dog with his black eyes when he does that! it's...well...it's just creepy!

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