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My 1st Blog And Stuff!



Hiya.. everyone.. word..

Welcome to my 'blog'! I'm just taking advantage of this cool week on BZPower where you get to be Premier. (Wheres my +two extra proto? :psychotwitch:). Its cool that BZP's been up for 5 years, and i've been here for 3 and a half so far... so.. yeah.. me and my spinny Huna..

Well this is a blog so I better be all blog-like.



He's called Lincoln, I believe we've named him, i'm gonna call him Link though. Probably. Or maybe Linkin. He shall listen to Linkin Park that way, and have much fun doing so. He's REALLY cute! He's grey, and kinda stripey, and he's really fluffy and kitten-like. 'Bout 8 weeks, I assume. So yeah, there were some other lil kittens, but we chose him. He climbed up on me too. ^_^

He's seen some of my other cats (which can be found on my maj), mainly Tyler and Kimble. They're both fine with him, they just sniff him a lot and I think that Link is okay with 'em. But Puss, the girl cat, hasn't been THAT close to him, except for when she was trying to hit him... she's just a bit crabby, but she is a nice cat, and obviously you'd be a bit like that if a new kitten came along. Jaspers not seen him yet, I think. But Macie, my dog, goes CRAZY around him! It's like she barks a bit and Link goes all 'hiiisssss', but I keep him safe. Macies just being friendly, though. She doesnt realise it scares him, hehehe, she's crazy.

I'll get pictures of him at some point and throw 'em on the Maj, 'cause right now I dont have the digital camera (get it back in a week and a bit).


Well um. Yeah. That's the best part so far, except for talking to the greatest person on the planet... no, no-one from BZP, sorry if I made people I spoke to from BZP all happy there... :(


Now? I'm gonna go do stuff on here... and um.. talk to people... right now Populus and Apathy... well cya...




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Ooh, kitty - nows about time you name an cat after me - like Apathy the Mainceoon or Christopher the Mainecoon, ooh Maincecoons soooo cute and fluffy <3


: : The Apathetic : :

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Yay kittens! We don't have any cause my sister and dad are allergic... :( But our dog had a litter of puppies a few weeks ago. :D Eight... @_@ We don't know who the dad is though... O_o And you stay up late for your time. Or early... :blink:

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