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Mahri Pics! And More!

Cap'n Ikki


So, with me floating peacefully in the sweet stream of holidays, I thought I'd better get some writing done. Specifically a story that takes place on Mata Nui. Already got a bit planned... an' plannin' still...


Suggestions, anyone?






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Be quiet, you two.


Now, the owners of this blog will start writin' 'bout pirates... Any of you got a problem with that, do ya, hm, do ya?



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Aye aye,cap'n X.(Spell your signoff right,and then I will too :P )

What be thou orders?


Does ye know the pirate game?

Maybe you start a pirate crew in your blog,like a club.



the owners of this blog

Does everybody in this blog get cloned?

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Not an unlikely suggestion, which inevitably leads directly to the fact that my sign-off is, in obvious fact, not without total and utter correctness.


And furthermore, any written, as in 'not yet written' work, takes unquestionable priority over any proposed sort of game for the time being, which is now.





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Ya know,every vessel needs a name.*hinthint*


Edit: I made something for you.LinkOne is edited to look like a piece of cloth to stitch to clothes.You can use it for whatever,either join the fad of "approvalseals" or use it for something else.

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Those are great, perfectly swashbuckling! Thank ye, Jack!


Now, having just freed myself from the grasp of Deathly Hallows -- yep, finished it, tantalizing read -- I figured the lot of us could p'raps get back on topic. Although, as it seems, by the sheer amount of supporters of that particular direction, I'll be writin' somethin' that includes, in one way or another, somethin' piratey. Aye, that's the plan.


Suggestions and debate still be most welcome, though, but keep it human, or ye'll all be keelhauled.



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Ooh... PIRATES. I've half a mind to report ye to her majesty's fleet! Unless you be givin' me an offer I can't refuse- savvy?



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