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The History Of Kamas Nui



97,000+ years ago- Kamas Nui's foundations are set.


96,500 years ago- Matoran populate Kamas Nui.


95,500 years ago- The Toa Barak come in to being.


92,000 years ago- The Barraki known as Mantax conquers Kamas Nui.


80,000 years ago- The Toa Barak ally with the Brotherhood of Makuta in a preemptive strike against the League of Six Kingdoms. Mantax and the other Barraki disappear and Kamas Nui is freed. Kamas Nui experiences a time of peace.


74,000 years ago- The Skakdi known as Lupike is banished from Zakaz and becomes an inhabitant of Kamas Nui.


39,000 years ago- Skakdi raiders begin to terrorize Kamas Nui.


38,996 years ago- Skakdi raiders are beaten back to their home island.


1,300 years ago- Toa Konitu and his team become suspicious of the Makuta of Kamas Nui. A fierce battle ensues, the Makuta of Kamas Nui is believed to be dead.


1,000 years ago- A massive earthquake breaks Kamas Nui, one village disappears completely. The Makuta of Kamas Nui attacks the Toa Barak. Toa Niru, the Toa Barak of Earth, is the last remaining Toa on Kamas Nui. He sacrifices his Toa power to create the Toa Kamas, becoming a Turaga. Turaga Niru instructs the Toa Kamas to coordinate hit-and-run attacks on the Brotherhood of Makuta and the Dark Hunters.


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