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Half An Hour



Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is sitting on my dorm room bed right now.


I haven't even been able to muster the concentration to realize the sheer magnitude of this event in popular literature. I'm far too sleepy. I'm sure tomorrow I'll wake up fully refreshed and say to myself: "OH MY GOsh I OWN THE SEVENTH HARRY POTTER BOOK." Right now my brain is just sorta buzzing "cool..."


I'm not even yawning or anything... it's a really weird feeling, but I can't describe it right now because I'm feeling it... eh, I dunno if it's even sleepiness.


I'm just kinda detached right now. Like Rayg put it that one time... where he was losing coherence... and his hand was floating away...


Haha... like, literally... cohere... haha... ha...








Edit: wow, I must really be dozing off. I forgot to mention why this entry is titled "Half an Hour." I got my book half an hour after midnight, give or take.


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Bah, I was one digit off of winning the raffle for first customer... the last digit of the winner was 0, and mine was 3, which absolutely STINKS. I mean, I knew that the first three or four digits didn't matter, since there can't possibly be a thousand people there, but when they came down to the tens place I was like, dang, I got a one in ten shot!


Then they called zero. *sigh*


Me go sleepz now for reelz

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Wearing black, sneaking up behind the lineup, and screaming "Aveda Kedavera!" at the hapless and hopefully terrified kids would be too tempting an opportunity to pass up.

That's from someone on another forum that I'm a member of. I'd do that if it weren't funner to spread spoilers. :)




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They spelled Avada Kedavra wrong, and spreading spoilers is mean to people like me who can't stand to have endings ruined. :(

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Mostly the books, though the hype is starting to get to me.


I read a few of 'em a while back, and didn't like 'em much at all.


I suppose I just like sci-fi more.




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Oh, I love sci-fi. I just like fantasy, too...


Eh, I guess everyone has different tastes in literature.

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There's actually a few fantasy books that I like, namely Lord of the Rings and any Warhammer books.


And then there's the Warhammer 40K books, which is basically Warhammer in the future. Both types are utterly awesome, and I highly recommend them. They're kinda hard to find, though. I'd link to the official site, but it has forums.




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I saw a guy reading Warhammer once...


It was freakin HUGE. Of course it was an "omnibus" but still. HUGE.

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So far the best Warhammer 40K novels that I've read are by Dan Abnett. Especially the Eisenhorn and Ravenor trilogies. I think he did a few Warhammer Fantasy books, too, but I'm not sure.


I think I'm pretty lucky. The library system here in BC has about 12 Warhammer books. And that's quite a lot for a library. Basically the only other way to get them is online or from Games Workshop stores.


I'm trying to see if any normal bookstores carry them, but I haven't had much luck. And the nearest Games Workshop store is in Vancouver, which is like a 3-hour drive from where I live.




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I like HP because I was taught to read by it.

:blink: That is the most disturbing thing I've heard all day.


I can't even remember what I was taught t read by. I think I was 5.


I found a book store that sells Warhammer books. :happydance:




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I like HP because I was taught to read by it.

:blink: That is the most disturbing thing I've heard all day.


Why is it disturbing? It hasn't affected me any. :drool:

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