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oogy boogy


For the week that members are given Premier Perks, I will be making blog entries.


I don't Have much too say right now, but if I don't do it now, I may not bother to do it later.


I'll start off simple though. Recently, My account was deleted, so don't be fooled by my low post count and my recent joining. Today, I feel like talking about what keeps me busy.


Because of where I live(I'm Canadian) I believe my grade system is different then many others. My highschool does not start at grade 9, instead it starts at grade 10. I will be going into grade 10 this year. this means much more work for me.


Along with highschool, comes the next level of my favourite sport, football. I play as a lineman on both sides of the ball, even though I've practiced at every other position beside quarter back.


Again, I keep myself busy with another hobby. Coaching. And what better sport to coach other than football. I am, you may have guessed, lineman coach. I coach a Minor league football team that I have played on.


Finally, I am trying to get a job. Being a coach while counts as a job, is only a voluntary job, and does not pay. This will take up weekends and friday nights most likely.


My final schedule until december is this:


Highschool: 9:00-3:30 Monday-friday

Highschool Football Practices: 3:40-5:30 Monday-Wednesday

Highschool Football Games: ?-? Thursdays

Coaching Football Practice: 6:30-8:30 Monday-Thursday

Coaching Football Games: 12:00-2:00 Saturday or Sunday

Job: ?-? Friday-Sunday


That's all I have for now. I'll probably enter something more interesting later when it isn't 1:00 in the morning.




For Highschool, I was eligible for a top class in english. However, I was only eligible after finals. This meant I had to go to the highschool in person to change my class.


I found out that it was full. I was told that occasionally someone drops out however. So I was given a list. what was this list? It was a list of books and plays that I must read over the summer. Yippee <_< . I have to read the chyrsalids, How to kill a mockingbird, and two other books and 3 plays that I can't list since I don't have mylist with me. Some of it was shakespeare though. I will say one thing though, I like reading more than alot of people, but I do not like reading under a time limit.


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