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Want To Keep This Going...

Lehvak Kal Nuva


...so I make a lot of updates. Simple.


I'm kind of happy right now. See, my brother's got an internship, so he's not here during the day. No teasing 'til 4 'o clock! :lol:


Plus, he's leaving for college later this year, so I'll be an only child for 3 years...hooray?


I'm all mixed up.


So, last night I read all the Spam lines that I saw in someone's blog (can't remember whose blog it was...). Though they are a nuisance, they write some pretty funny things.


...Not that I'm encouraging spam. By all means no. If you came here to spam, then go somewhere else.


*looks out window* It had to be cloudy today. Not yesterday. I hate weather.


Wondering if Vanuri will get on today. Otherwise, I'll bunny him some more.


Now for a topic change! XD


I suppose I could tell you all about my vacation to England. We got back a few weeks ago (left the day after school got out). It was such a blast! Got to go to a lot of different castles (my favorites!), Stonehenge (again; never gets old--or does it?), and lots of small villages. My favorites? Orton (we stayed in a cottage there; chocolate shop!), Kendal (beautiful, good shopping, famous for Kendal Mint Cake, a block of mint-flavored sugar), and Edinburgh (pronounced Ed-in-bur-ow; not exactly small...; lots of statues of cows (don't ask); Edinburgh Castle; the Royal Mile; it had it all). Went up to Scotland later.


Oh my good-golly-gee-gosh, Scotland is BEAUTIFUL!!! Lots of mountains and lochs (pronounced lakes, XD), windy roads (felt sick a couple times), and historic places. D'oh! Just realized I put Edinburgh in England! Oopsies...Anyway, hated to leave Scotland, but leave I did. And no, I didn't wear a kilt.


Then went to southern England. Portsmouth was the best city ever! I loved all it had. Also stayed in the best hotel I've ever been to (they gave out sewing kits, shaving kits, dental kits, nail care kits, the works!). Too bad it was only for 2 days. Then went to Taunton (beautiful; then again all England is beautiful) and played skittles (kind of like bowling, only much, much harder; can't really explain it; you'll just have to play and find out). England took the Tiny Cup, while the U.S.A. took home the Heavy Plaque. Poor us, we lost. Ah well.


While I was in Taunton, first saw Brutaka and Axonn! Woohoo! Didn't buy 'em there, though. The next day we went to Stonehenge (Yay!) and then Legoland (again). Turns out if you return your ticket within a half hour, you get your money back! Ran in, got Axonn and Brutaka, a few other things, then ran back out. Enjoyed a Cinnabon (mmm...Cinnabon) then stayed in a hotel the final night.


Flying home was interesting to say the least. Watched 3 movies (they had enough time to repeat all the movies 3 times, so I switched each time they repeated) before landing in Chicago. Hectic and frantic run in which I soon lost control of my legs (which had quickly turned to jelly) before finding out we missed our connection. Not to worry, they provided us with another flight that left about an hour later to New Orleans. We took off and I fell asleep. My internal clock sad it was well after midnight, even though it was only 8:00. Bad idea to sleep as we were taking off. When I woke up 3 hours later, I had a terrible pain in my ears. Turns out they had popped as we were taking off and as we were landing, seriously hurting. When we landed, turns out one of our pieces of luggage was missing, but someone drove it over a couple days later.


So, one heck of a trip, eh?


And if this post contained a lot of rambling, guess what?


It may get worse. :evilgrin:


So hope you enjoyed reading about my trip.


Oh, one more tidbit of fun: While we were up in Scotland, we went to a castle that bears my last name (a very uncommon name, I might add). Gigantic cookie to whoever can guess it correctly. I doubt you will though...:evilgrin:


And saw Pirates 2 last Friday. Awesome; won't give away the ending. You just have to go and watch it yourself.


Wheeooo, long post. Will update later.




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Sounds like you've had a busy vacation. :P

My mom doesn't like to travel. :(


And you don't need to spoil Piartes 2 for myself, since I've seen it. What a cliffhanger! From that idea, I'll bet a million dollars they're making a third one!


...If I had a million dollars, which I don't.


I'm broke.



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It's an obvious cliff-hanger. :P


And I usually don't like cliff-hangers because I always want to find out what happens at the end immediantly, but I guess this next one I can wait for. :happy:

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