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Day 1 One Of Brutal Mental Torture... Xd



I was just joking around with the title; I had nothing to really say in one topic. :P


Anyways, my day so far has been pretty good; I got to listen to music, and I started recording a couple that I really liked. There was this one song by Kazuhiko Inoue (aka Kakashi's Japanese voice actor) called Risky Game. I still can't get it out of my head; it was too good! O_O


I've got like three playlists that I've collected so far, and I'm still listening. ^_^


Anyways, steering away from music for the moment, I just really think it's cool and amazing that I get to have my blog back for a week. *hugs*

Although I hope nothing bad happens like LAST year. *shudders*


And I already miss 8th grade. That has to be my best year in junior high. All the teachers were nice, I actually did well in Pre-Algebra, even though I'm no good in math, we got to go on another field trip to the ropes course...what an awesome year. Now that I'm a freshman, and fixing to go into high school, I asked several kids what they thought of high school, and they said that they enjoyed it. Still, high school has to be different, becuase you have to take a LOT more notes, harder formulas to memorize...and then eventually, you have to take the SAT, don't you? T_T


Oh well...I need to start being more positive about things, but it's easier said than done for me. And I need to be more outgoing in school. T_T



Well, at camp, I was trying as best as I could to be at least a little more outgoing; it seemed to work, because I made a couple of good friends, even though we probably won't see each other again. One good friend I made was a 16-year old boy who goes to a different church than I do, and we talked to each other at breakfast a bit. I was able to join my brother, and then he joins up, waiting for a couple of friends of his. We also got to chat later on the playground; he has an account on Gaiaonline, like I do, but like me, he doesn't use it very much. And like me, when he's unable to access the computer, he turns to his closest friend for information (in better terms, we just use them to get what we want. XD) He's also a devout Christian, and very friendly.

Later on I was able to meet with some of his friends, although I regret not getting any of their names, now. The last time we were together, which was the night before Friends' Night, we all took pictures together with a camera...although we soon found out that the camera didn't belong to any of us. Oops. :blush:


Oh well. If anyone got the camera and sees the news pics in there, I hope they have a good surprise. ^_^


I'll talk about another good friend I made tommorow...


But now, let's talk about---SWINGS! I love swings; that's one of the main things I did at camp, just swing, swing, swing until my body hurt. ^_^


And anything else? ...


Well, I'm on a personality quiz frenzy this year. XD

I've got a whole collection of quiz results on another site of mine...

11 pages, and I'm still going strong! :D


I need more personality quizzes... :P


Well, I guess that's it for today. See ya! *poofs away*


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After cleaning out what used to be a "Buddies" folder (The upgrade messed it up), I noticed that both you and Hak started up Blogs for the week. Anyway, you seemed a little uneasy about moving on to High School, so I figured I'd give my incentive on the matter. After all, half the fun of a Blog is the replies, right? :)


1.) High School is different. You can hate it, or embrace it. Things are going to be harder, but as long as you've got your friends in class, it's not that bad. Personally, I've enjoyed both 9th and 10th grade. As for 11th, it's not that I'm dreading the grade, but rather the advent of its beginning. :unsure:


2.) SATs are in High School, but I think they're in 12th grade.


Enjoy your personality quizzes, and um...swings. If you're ever swinging though, resist the urge to tilt your head backward as you reach the apex of the forward swing. (It'll make you really dizzy :wacko: )




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After cleaning out what used to be a "Buddies" folder (The upgrade messed it up), I noticed that both you and Hak started up Blogs for the week. Anyway, you seemed a little uneasy about moving on to High School, so I figured I'd give my incentive on the matter. After all, half the fun of a Blog is the replies, right? :)


1.) High School is different. You can hate it, or embrace it. Things are going to be harder, but as long as you've got your friends in class, it's not that bad. Personally, I've enjoyed both 9th and 10th grade. As for 11th, it's not that I'm dreading the grade, but rather the advent of its beginning. :unsure:


2.) SATs are in High School, but I think they're in 12th grade.


Enjoy your personality quizzes, and um...swings. If you're ever swinging though, resist the urge to tilt your head backward as you reach the apex of the forward swing. (It'll make you really dizzy :wacko: )



Wow. This has been the first great descriptive of high school I've heard so far, really. ^_^

Thanks, I think this'll help me out a bit.


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What Ced said (lol), but from my experience, freshman year is the worst. Not because you're getting dumped in trash cans (they frown on that), but because you're much more limited as to what classes you can take, and you always get last pick. Blarg.


Sophomore year is better since you get more classes, earlier pick, and you're a bit more comfortable with it.


Junior and senior year I have no idea about, since I'm a junior as of next Friday (the 3rd).


Oh, and you should redirect that Academy link to the BZPRPG or summat like that.


But nah, don't worry. High school is WAY better than junior high/middle.



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