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...what's The Point Of A Building If There Is Nothing In It?...



Well, I have managed to do a fair bit today in comparison to yesterday. Anything from reading a dozen chapters, to cleaning my room, to making library runs with mom. However, since there isn't much to say about reading for a couple hours (Other then what I have now just said...) and since holding discussions about cleaning one's Pit O' Despair isn't all that interesting either, I'll skip those as if they didn't happen and just go to the third. (Plus a little something else)


Anyway, summer is here and for some of you that means wonderful days where you can play outside with just mild discomfort of the heat. For others who live in places like where I do, playing outside during the summer is just another way of saying "I'm going to attempt suicide." It passes well above 100 degrees Fahrenheit each day and so you're main choices of activity is swimming, stay inside, or travel short distances to stay inside. (Of course, that means our winters are absolutely fabulous, if you're not doing school...I seriously think that we should just not have a summer break where I live and just have a winter holiday somewhere between January and April as you can't really do much here in the summer anyways.) So obviously, mom and I decided to go to the library to spend part of the day ignoring the heat.


The only thing that I really detest about the summer other then the heat is the library, or the lack there of. Yes, there is the building, standing tall, impressive, and begging people to come inside to its refrigerator-set air-conditioning, but once summer break hits the schools, the kids come in and the books go out. There are literally whole shelves empty for the majority of the summer. So yes, the library is still there, but heaven help you if you want to check anything out. It's kinda like a game of Monopoly, it takes a little bit of strategy to get the book you want, but mostly just takes a whole lot of luck.


So anyway, I've been battling the library now since the majority of the school distracts let out. That being around late May, and unfortunately, it seems I am losing the battle. I've actually reverted to borrowing books from the kids I'm a nanny for because I got tired of waiting for books to come around. :P Yes, I could place a hold on the books (Which I have done a few times) but then the wait is usually around 3 weeks for a book that I would finish in about 3 days. And then it's another three weeks for the next one unless I was smart and checked out the next book in the series while waiting for the previous one. (The next book of course sits on the shelf mocking you over the matter that you can't read it unless you want to be confused and spoil the book you're currently waiting on. Very rude of the book to do, if I do say so myself!)


With that note I'll get back to the topic. I wasn't planning on going as the only books the library had that my friends didn't hold on their shelves were the Bionicle books and some various art books. (And some music stuff come to think of it...) Well, having thoroughly gone through the art section before summer even started, and having read every Bionicle book the library had multiple times, I wasn't really in the mood to spend a few hours there with nothing to look up. I wasn't really in a browsing and look-up-something-new mood to be honest. So before telling mom that I wasn't going I decided to look at the catalog and see if they updated either of my most often return-to sections. To my surprise, the library had finally gotten the next Bionicle book, Prisoners of the Pit, after I had spent months requesting it and another and so thought they wouldn't buy it. (Of course, they didn't get the Bionicle World book, which I wasn't surprised about but disappointed none the less) After seeing that, amazingly, three copies had not yet been checked out I told mom I would be most delighted to come. (Well, I didn't say it like that, but it gets the idea across)


So off we go, daring the solar oven-like heat of the car to travel to that far off but wonderful land of Bookania. I couldn't wait to get my hands on the book, having no doubt whatsoever that with three copies to spare, there would be at least one there waiting to hop into my army green book bag. Before heading down stairs I decide to check the catalog one last time to make sure it was still there, and to my relief all three copies were. With this cheerful thought I headed down the stairs into the "kids" section and walked straight to the shelves that I knew held the book in question. FYI, the Bionicle Chronicles and Adventures (With the exception of the last three as the library decided not to get those) are held on the far left side of the shelf, the Bionicle Legends and the Metru Nui guide are located on the far right a good 20 feet away. Why? I have no idea, other then the first set was labeled under "Juv Bio" and the second set as "Juv Far." Why the library did that I'm still trying to figure out. I'm guessing they were bored.


So after glancing on the left side to make sure that the library didn't want to throw us for a loop and scatter the series, I proceeded to the right side of the shelf where I expected to see a group of the Legend books to be huddled with the three new ones, just like the catalog said...


What I found were two Metru Nui guides and one lone City of the Lost.


Confuzzled, I went back to the computer and checked again. Sure enough, supposedly one of each Legend book was suppose to be on the shelf as well as three of the newest book. I checked the shelf again, hoping that some kid just put it on wrong part of the shelf causing me to miss it. Sadly, none of the missing books were to be found and so I contented myself to the last City of the Lost copy.


After I got home, I forgot about the mysterious missing books as I found various chores or other books to occupy my time with. Then, when deciding what to write about on this here blog, I remembered my earlier frustration and, on a whim, decided to check out the catalog... And found that all three copies were supposedly still there on the shelf…


Those little stinkers...Jk, but I can't help but wonder where they've hidden them...


Anyway, I said I would add a third thing...But I can't remember what it was...Err... Umm... *Looks through entry to find an excuse* Umm, yeah, it was about how hot it is here...Yeah! Heh-heh...





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