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She Has A Copper Mask Now



Wow. Didn't notice this until, like, just now...




Congrats on the OBZPCship, Lady Kopaka! :D


*dances with you*


Now you can help Turakii and I take over the world pelt male OBZPC with packing peanuts. :P




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Woah, I didn't realize she achieved that. Congrats, Lady K!


Hrm, suddenly I feel as though I should deny any more proto raises. Evil little girls...

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Dadgumit Nikira and Aanchir, you made me choke on my cereal!





8D I'm so happy!


*hugs* You deserve to be happy, m'lady. ^^


Can you pelt regular members with peanuts too?


Of course. :sly:


Well, at least I don't need to worry about being hit with packing peanuts...


Or so you believe. Muahaha.


Nice! :)

Another Nikira quote fad... *hint hint*




The last one's kinda sorta dying. Dalek's being awesome with keeping at least a portion of it alive, though. :P



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Now you can help Turakii and I take over the world pelt male OBZPC with packing peanuts. :P


Can you pelt regular members with peanuts too?


Of course. :sly:


Oh dear...





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I should just buy myself a modified Super Soaker and started pelting random passerby members with styrofoam. :P



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I think it'd work better with one of those foam ball launchers. That'd also allow you to launch large amounts in one shot.




Now if only I could find one. :P


Thank you, Nikira, for providing another Sig quote for me. 8D


You're welcome? XD



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I would quote your reply, but I'm out of room in my Sig. =(






Well, it's better to stay within the guidelines than to have to have the staff zap your sig away. ;)


Please don't pelt me with aliterations when I get my OPBZPship!


*evil cackle*



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