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When God Wants The Both Of Us To Have A Laugh



July 25th:


I got off work early today. The sooner, the better I suppose. The longer I stay with Dad, the more frustrated I get overall.


Because my mom can't pay the mortgage by herself, and my dad's only support on us is 180 bucks for Child Support, which doesn't nearly cover the cost on ths suburban home, we have had the house on the Market for a couple of months now.


Today, people were coming in to see the house, possibly purchase it. Who knows?


So I left the house with my bike and decided to take a stroll downtown and meet up with people I haven't seen since the Last Day of School.


Well, I sure as heck made an impression.


The intersection I practially broke most biking law on was something I usually timed with the red and green lights.


Today, not so well.


Let me tell you, whenever I hop on my bike, every car passing me I always have a thought of going in front. Get hit. End this streak of bad luck called my life already!


Well, the street to the left of me just turned gren ligh as I found out I miscalculated before so. Thought I could beat the clock.


Well, the car in front of the line hit me. Not hard, just hard enough for me to crash on my butt. And break a part of my headphone.


The guy comes out, thinking he just killed me instead of pushed forward my front wheel a bit and asks if I was alright.


Now, the look on this guy, I shouldn't have hopped up as fast as I could. I should have stayed on the ground, and haggle some money off of him or somthing. I was in too good a mood after that. By the way I ride my bike, it was evenutally going to happen. Except everyone expect a Mack Truck instead, jut because the thought of me becoming road kill seems funny.


But I laughed it off. Told the guy I was fine. Everything was well.


Why? God knows me too well. Well enough that getting hit by a car would make me laugh, one of the most social people in the grade who happen to be there laugh, and everyone he told laugh. It wasn't embarrassing at all that everyone was just starng at me with a smil on my face.


I guess God and I shared a laugh together.


He always knows when to make me laugh at irony.




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