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Mocing Tips...



MOCing Guide



Note: If you MOC differently, don't yell at me. This is how it works best for me, and everyone has their own style, so it's not wrong to do it differently.




Atmosphere: I seem to work best late at night, about 1 o'clock or so. I don't know why, but it works. Listen to music. Pick something that you like, because that's gonna put you in a good mood. Music without lyrics works best. I recommend the Unreal Tournament music. And Battleheart.




1. Color Scheme. Make sure that you have a color scheme thought out beforehand. MOCs with lots of colors don't look good on camera(occasionally they do, see Reedemers' "Ninjo and the Spam King") For photography, though, it's best to limit your colors. Also, black is your friend.


2. Proportion. Elbows should be just above the hips. Fingertips should be about halfway down the upper leg. Upper legs should be slightly shorter than the torso. From the knee to the base of the foot should be about the same length as the upper leg. Kanohi work fine as heads, even on huge MOCs, at least in my taste.


3. Weapons. Thin MOCs do not look good with giant guns or blades. Bulky MOCs look ridiculous with tiny weapons. Other that that, almost anything goes.


The rest is up to you. As I said before, you don't need to follow these instructions if you don't want to. But they might help.



By sharp and fame,




Recommended Comments

Another thing you may want to add is listen to peoples advice,

usually it can help you become better.



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I definately agree with the Kanohi thing. (or is it I just can't make heads? (Have I even tried?))


How do you feel about custom bodies?

(and legs/arms for that matter, I just feel that if a MOC doesn't have a custom body that MOCer is going to get it.)




PS, Music=good.

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Yes black is your friend, your best friend actually. All the connector pieces are at least black, so black blends in.

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I definately agree with the Kanohi thing. (or is it I just can't make heads? (Have I even tried?))


How do you feel about custom bodies?

(and legs/arms for that matter, I just feel that if a MOC doesn't have a custom body that MOCer is going to get it.)




PS, Music=good.

Hmm. Unless the non-custom torso piece(read=evil torso piece) is buried under large amounts of armour, it doesn't work. Non-custom arms and legs are usually too thin, so they don't work well either.


Question: Do you mean music in general, or the music that I listed?



By sharp and fame,




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3. Weapons. Thin MOCs do not look good with giant blades.

Go watch Inuyasha or Bleach then come back and say that.

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