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Fair Fair. Not-so-fair Humidity.



Niki's going to the State Fair in the morning.


Niki's gonna see how her drawings did.


Niki's excited. =D


The weather at the State Fair isn't so exciting.


The weather will be 98F.


With humidity.


So it'll feel like 104F.


And it's going to rain on top of Niki later in the afternoon, too.


Don't be surprised if Niki comes home as a soaked, shriveled raisin.


Niki will still be happy.




And Niki will try to take pictures of the fair. And maybe pictures of pictures, who knows.




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Lady K is pleased Niki is happy! I hope your pictures do well, it's so fun (and scary) to go see what places you will be getting.


Yuck, so you're having gross weather there too huh? Same here, cept it’s REALLY 104F here sometimes. Darn you tropical south! *Wacks humidity*


I hope you have a fun time at the fair, take lots of pictures!

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Woooow that's hot. Dun remember the last time we got right up to 100 here, plenty of 80-90 days, but I don't recall it getting THAT hot this summer...


But, hope you do well. I'm sure you will =D


Humidity stinks... I mean, not that really REALLY dry days are great either, but too humid is worse...

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Humid is sticky. You can't sweat, so you can't cool off. The air is oppressive and heavy, the heat multiplies, everything feels all disgusting, and, well, you get really really hot.

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I haven't been back in VA enough to notice the heat/humidity yet, but I can tell you that in West Virginia it was all too obvious. The camp we were in had tents... <_<


I doubt it was as bad as you folks have it, but tents have a nasty way of exascerbating such problems.


- :vahi:

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Humid is sticky. You can't sweat, so you can't cool off. The air is oppressive and heavy, the heat multiplies, everything feels all disgusting, and, well, you get really really hot.




I'm officially frightened. :fear:




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Yuck, so you're having gross weather there too huh? Same here, cept it’s REALLY 104F here sometimes. Darn you tropical south! *Wacks humidity*


I hope you have a fun time at the fair, take lots of pictures!


Yeah, we had a huge storm front roll in, thus the majorly stupid humidity. Honestly, I'm just glad I'm not down where you all are. I'd die. Georgia humidity was bad enough. *shudders* XD


And yay, I took pictures. =D


But, hope you do well. I'm sure you will =D


Humidity stinks... I mean, not that really REALLY dry days are great either, but too humid is worse...


Hee hee.... I did. :P


OMG, it was REALLY bad around 1:30 - I thought my dad and I were gonna pass out. Then it got really windy around 3ish, which made it a bit better.


Then the storm clouds rolled in. Instant 15-degree drop. =D


And I got my fried Oreos, so it's all good.



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Yeah, we had a huge storm front roll in, thus the majorly stupid humidity. Honestly, I'm just glad I'm not down where you all are. I'd die. Georgia humidity was bad enough. *shudders* XD

Durn right you are! I went out yesterday to work on my acrobatic skills since I have been so rusted...5 minutes later I'm a melting Lady Kopaka. >_< Stupidest thing I have ever done!


I think the news just said it was 107F here. O-o I think I’m going to move to Alaska during the summer…

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...but supposedly two pigs died from the heat...




You should've seen the cows at the OSF. Each one had to have 4 or more fans in their stalls.


Even the chickens had to have fans installed everywhere. XD



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...but supposedly two pigs died from the heat...




You should've seen the cows at the OSF. Each one had to have 4 or more fans in their stalls.


Even the chickens had to have fans installed everywhere. XD





Any pics of that?



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...but supposedly two pigs died from the heat...




You should've seen the cows at the OSF. Each one had to have 4 or more fans in their stalls.


Even the chickens had to have fans installed everywhere. XD





Any pics of that?




My sis had the camera then, so I don't really know. XDDDD



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That reminds me of a song.........are you going Niki's going to Scarborough the state fair.........

ZOMG! I love that song!!! =D


Well, California can get unfortunately hot too. It can get cold here too, but that's besides the point. Light, I envy your local if you don't have humidity there. :P Rain is cool. It's almost as cool as snow. Well, maybe not...


So, uhm... How did your drawings do?

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That reminds me of a song.........are you going Niki's going to Scarborough the state fair.........

ZOMG! I love that song!!! =D


Well, California can get unfortunately hot too. It can get cold here too, but that's besides the point. Light, I envy your local if you don't have humidity there. :P Rain is cool. It's almost as cool as snow. Well, maybe not...


So, uhm... How did your drawings do?


I used to live in CA. I can sympathize. ;)




I did better than I thought I would. WAIT FOR PICTURES - they will tell you everything... sorta. XD



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*puts up hand*




One time, I saw someone try to give someone else a high-five, and they missed, and slapped him inna face. They fell over.



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