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I'm Feeling Classic



For whatever reason, I'm currently really into the old 2001 Bionicle stuff. I actually rebuilt Tahu Mata today. And played through MNOG. Ah, memories. Nothing like taking the time to hold that bright red Hau and looking back on the Rahi days.


Anyway, enough of that. Watched Indiana Jones last night, Temple of Doom. All that's left is The Last Crusade and I'll finally be caught up with the rest of the world. By the way, does Temple of Doom take place before or after Raiders of the Lost Ark?


Well, today was my grandfather's 65th birthday today. We got him the gold edition of F.E.A.R. -- it's got the original and the expansion pack, since I know he had fun playing DOOM 3. Plus, I got entertainment value out of watching him react to the freaky stuff. :P


Oh, getting back to 01, does anyone know where I can find a downloadable copy of that music that plays in MNOG when you're near/using the Ta-Wahi beach cliff telescope? I love it, and I might need it for some near future project. Thanks in advance!


Well, we're gonna go watch some movie my mother said was funny called Benny and Joon. All I know is that it's got Johnny Depp and a mentally insane woman (in the movie, not as a normal person :P ).


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Raiders came first, then Temple of Doom. Personally I thought Temple of Doom was a fail. Though since it had Indy in it of course it wasen't all that bad...but the other 2 were a lot better.


OMG, your grandfather plays FEAR and DOOM? Gah, lucky! Mine just sits around and plays spider solitare. :P


Oh yeah, that telescope thing is sooo fun to play with it, if I had the free time I'd just sit on the comp for hours and listen to that cool background music, and view around the stars just for fun. 8D

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Yay for Tahu Mata! He was the awesome back in the day. Well, all the sets were, but mostly Tahu. Lucky, your compy will play MNOG? My computer doesn't like me.


Uhg... Temple of doom... They must have just learned how to use a computer the day they did the "special effects."




Ooh, ooh, Happy Birthday Takatu's Grandfather! Have fun with F.E.A.R. I've heard it has really good AI. :P


And about that music, I have no clue where it could be. Sorry.


*Starts listening to the Indiana Jones Soundtrack*

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Yeah, he's in a gunfight as we speak. Rather go against them than a freaky girl that nukes the room you're in, according to him.


I liked Temple of Doom mostly because the kid was absolutely great. Especially driving the car in the beginning. XD But I head the next was really great, with Sean Connery as his father. Can't wait for that one.


I think I'm gonna go listen to that creepily awesome telescope music again. :P

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For the telescope music, go to the folder with the MNOLG in it – there should be a folder called "matanui" within that one, and in that is basically every file used in the game. The various parts of the telescope music, in the files MusicSFX_Telescope***.swf (Choir, High, or Low replace the asterisks) are all there individually, but they only play once. For some reason, the files Music_Telescope_Choir.swf and its terminating companions LoHi and Notes don't work for me; Music_Telescope.swf does but is extremely uninteresting.


And yet all the other music files work fine, but those for the telescope don't for me... :annoyed2:


2001 is very cool. I maintain that it's the best year of Bionicle. ^_^

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Ah, nifty! Thanks, ToM! I agree, I find it the best year like I find the first movie in a trilogy or whatever the best -- it's original and hasn't been done before.
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