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Between The Dreaming And The Coming True

Kopaka's Ice Engineering


...lies all the effort that must be put forth.


The heat has been absolutely oppressive lately. 88° F (31° C) with a 105° F (40.5° C) heat index at 8 AM this morning. It has been a week since the temperature has dropped below 80° F (26.7° C), and tomorrow's high will be 98° F (36.7° C), with a heat index sure to break the 120° F (49° C) mark.


Normally, I'm not one to complain about the heat. I live, by choice, in south Louisiana, and I'm even proud of it.

Still, heat indices this high make any outside activity uncomfortable, especially patio work that awaits me tomorrow morning.


Amanda & I are still waiting on pins and/or needles for her job interview. I'm probably more worried about it right now than her, but that would undoubtedly change next week, as she actually has something to keep her busy between now & then. Between now & then, I have laundry to cycle through, and I'd hope to get my car washed.


Really, anything to get out of this heat.




Song of the moment: "Into the Day", Bebo Norman


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That heat does suck. Hate the heat. At least with the cold you can just keep adding layers.


But heat...what can one do? There's only so many layers one can take off before there's nothing left but to just flop over and not move for a day.

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You'll turn from snow to coal. :lol: We all are having a bad spate of heat, darn global warming.


Drink lots, I will be doing so too. And I wish good luck to her!



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