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News On The Female Front



Well, I just called Happy Happy Joy Joy. She's going to a coffeehouse with me tonight from 7-10. Woot. =D


And, uh, Blue-Eyes now has a boyfriend. She met him out-of-state, though, so like... that can't last long. :P


But lately I feel like I've been liking HHJJ less and liking Unattainable Goal more. But I don't know. Maybe I'm just being shallow, maybe it's just Unattainable Goal's attractiveness. But I know I have a much better shot with HHJJ, and I don't want her to slip through my fingers. At the same time, however, there's a guy I know at my Youth Group who might be going out with Unattainable, but those suspicions are unconfirmed. But if they're false suspicions, then I don't want her to slip through my fingers and into his anyway, since he obviously has a thing for her. But I may be proven completely wrong in thinking they're not going out.




And my mom bought me the wrong textbook online for my college English course... and the class starts the 20th. >.>


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Yeah, hormones can be a pain.


I pity you as far a school goes. where I live we don't start 'till sometime in september.

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I've got an idea Dok. Go up to the next girl you fancy and say really clearly:




Sure, that'll put her off you, but at least you wouldn't have any suspicions. Suspicious like a rock

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"Female front"?


People could take that the wrong way. :P




Yeah, I've actualy been haveing some girl problems too. Mostly, They all want me, And I'm not interested at all. At my age, most gf/bf situations last about a mont or two, so why bother.

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At least you know if you're single.


I don't even know if my girlfriend is alive, let alone still my girlfriend. And the fact that her best friend likes me, (which most girls don't care for me. Seriously, I don't know why. :P) or she could be like, going out with someone else and I wouldn't know. Martin broke my cellphone, so basically no contact, since I don't know her number. >_>


Haha edit

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Dok, your love life, is like, really complex. I hope everything works out in the longrun.


Whatever that could be...

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