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I Finished Hp7... And Some Other Sad News.



M'kay... Forgot how to set on Spoiler Tag... Those of you who still haven't read it (I pity those who haven't), feel free to skip the following. :)


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It was utter dissapointment. I actually THOUGHT that ol' JK would kill off everyone in the end. 'Course, he did die and all, but he came back. Now, this gives other authors the annoying habit of asking JK for continuing her series! Jeez, why not just kill off everyone? That would make it more of a masterpiece.... But then, you'd probably go cursing JK for making us buy all 7 books for nothing.... But seriously, I mean, look at those Peter Pan sequels. C'mon, Peter Pan in Scarlet? What the bologna were they thinking?! It totally ruined the Disney experience for me! It was as if the person were making it all up as she went.


But the REAL reason I was so ticked off was the recent news that Bink left. Not only did that defeat the purpose of Binky Island (awesome game, Lep, ya gotta redux that), but all that the man put into this site, after six years.... It really pains me to see the man leaving us. He brought us KimPower (I think). He brought us Hapori Dume (Which is a really kewl BZP Skin, BTW). He brought us commemmorative BZPower Bricks, for cake's sake (catchy, no?)!


Well, I guess this is it, then. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna quit comic making this time. Heck, nobody reads them anyway. People only give a darn about people who have BEEN HERE a while, not some newb who's only been here a third of the time BZP's been running. People'd rather read Lyger's stuff or Exo's nonsense (rather funny nonsense), so let's cut to the cheese: My dream of Comic making was all for naught.


Good bye, Bionicle Artwork III. I'll miss you (but not as much as the original I).


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