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Well, it's now been two days after the storm... And damage reports are most definitely in.


I got off so easy livin' higher up away from any rivers. tongue.gif Pittsburgh got slammed...


Well, I now know that five of my trees fell over or were moved. Two pine trees were knocked down, one tree was just tilted over (It was relatively small and is now upright once more with the aide of some pipes), and two additional trees were knocked over from several feet off the ground. And those ones... Pretty tall. I just spent the last few hours cutting branches and the trunks to fit into a cart to haul to a burn pile. It took three trips. And some of the better pieces we're saving for future use. So it was extra working cutting those so they'd fit the fire ring.


Yet, it didn't bother me in the least. Sure, I sweated some, but that happens when you work. Right now, though, my left thumb (Hmm. Should I say why the left one is so important?) is rubbed raw on the inside and is simply killin' me. But I'll get over that too.


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