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Micro-something And Hemo-what-a-wha?



My mum and I went back to the doctor's office this morning to view Friday's results.


The first thing he said when he walked in:


"You know, your results are not supposed to interest your doctor."




Turns out that, yes, I'm getting better and my anemia is becoming very mild now. My iron levels are still pretty low, though, and my RDW (the depth and width of my red blood cells) was really low.


The doc says it's microcytic anemia, which means my blood cells are much smaller than normal. What's interesting is we don't know why that is, or why my iron levels are still so low.


So I have to go back in September... and get another blood test... (ARG) >< They'll do average blood work and take an extra vial for a hemoglobin electrophoresis, to check for abnormal hemoglobin that could be related to sickle-cell or thalassemia.




I'm interesting! And I'm learning long, doctoral terms! =D




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Well, good luck with the next blood test, ugh *shudder* so pointy. I have a gum disease which I have to take these horrible smelly pills, and if it doesn't work, I have to take surgery, so I know how you feel
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Big medical words making brain mush!


*cough* Anyway, sorry your iron is so low. The only interesting thing about me is that my pulmonary valve in my heart won't shut all the way. And I can will a bone in my hand to move in and out of its socket.


Yay for medical weirdness!

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I had to really listen to catch the terms - I have several gals who I sing with in church choir that are nurses, and they always get so worried and ask all these questions, so I have to know that I know what I have.


...the bone thing sounds like it would look sorta weird... XD


I love being weird medically. It makes me feel special! :3



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Yay! Doctors!


Well, it's good to hear you're getting better. And expanding your vocabulary as well! One of the great perks of illness.


Anyway, good luck. Congrats on being interesting!


:P Dr. B :P

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Long words to put on medical forms to confuse the people who think they know everything!

Seriously, I wrote Acid Reflux once, and the guy at the registration desk didn't know what it was, and he was the nurse.

"trained professional"


Just write out ALL those long terms, just to sound smart like doctors! :D

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The only hing weird about me is that my teath are too big for my punny mounth. I still don't understand halth of what my othrodontist said at my last apointment.
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Seriously, I wrote Acid Reflux once, and the guy at the registration desk didn't know what it was, and he was the nurse.




The only hing weird about me is that my teath are too big for my punny mounth. I still don't understand halth of what my othrodontist said at my last apointment.


Yeah, orthodontist trips can be full of new vocabulary. I don't remmebr the real name for my jaw problem - Class 3 malocclusion(sp?), I think is was...



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