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Writing Fever!

Dr. Bionicle


For all of you hoping to make the "Oh no! The DOCTOR (OMG) has a fever! LOLXD", I beat you. So ha. :P


Anyway, it's a weird feeling. When you're an aspiring writer and you've been working on a novel for a solid year, it's interesting to wake up one day, pull out your finished work, and then realize that you didn't enjoy reading any of it.


Yes, for those of you that have keen memories, I'm talking about Cyborne, a novel I started some time back in early August, 2006. The original premise was that the government had randomly called in citizens to be turned into cyborgs (It's already shaping up to be something, isn't it?) and then some random guy comes forward and says it's all a conspiracy. So then this guy and his crew go infiltrate some labs to find some information. Somewhere along the lines, they get super powers. Then they bust in on this conspirators meeting. The main character's girlfriend ends up getting killed, as does his arch-nemesis, and then he goes and kills all the world leaders. It finally ends with the main character realizing that his leader is his father, and then declares a civil war. And then there was supposed to be a sequel.


Even better? It's all told in FIRST PERSON.


So yes, as you can imagine, that didn't flow to well with me now. So for the past few weeks, I've spent long nights trying to re-write this thing. I try writing out the girlfriend and putting the main character's brother in her place. I try to expand on the main character's childhood. I try everything my little writer's brain can come up with.


Then suddenly, it dons on me.


I don't need a new manuscript. I need a new plot.


So I spent a few more long nights brainstorming some changes. At last, I came up with this.


This is going to be a long synopsis, so be warned. It's not completely done yet. I haven't even gotten to the outlining stage at this point, but I will be starting at some point within the week. At this rate, I may be able to start writing within a few weeks.






The year is 3321. In the state of Delaware, an offer is extended to all hospital patients in the area: a government test program that could completely renew the physical being of any patient, from the terminal elderly to the minor youth, in a single operation. The program was widely accepted by a majority of the hospital patients, and the positive results suddenly bring in others grasping for the program. Cities, states, countries demand the installation of these operation programs in their area!


They never told us there’d be a catch.


The program is a simple one. Remove the faulty body components and replace them with sturdy robotics. The result?




Even with this vast medical revelation, there were those who resisted the Cyborne. While they may have been healed, the robotic hybrids still have to bear their newfound appearance, one that drives a world to divide in prejudice. Connection programs are initiated by the government, but no sooner are these founded than a terrible tragedy occurs.


Malfunction. Spontaneous Cyborne suddenly begin to terrorize the Humans, from massive mobs to single rogues. Around the world, all at once, various Cyborne seem to break out in mindless violence.


The government cannot simply reverse this or pretend it didn't happen. The masses are in an uproar. The US Government has no choice but to issue the Cyborne Termination Grant. This grant allows and encourages any Human to kill any and all Cyborne they may encounter as a matter of national safety. All Cyborne operations are ceased. Following America's lead, other countries begin to instigate the same grant. The Cyborne are no longer a race. They're targets.


And so begins an international civil war, with the races of Humans and Cyborne split. The Humans fight for their own safety, while the Cyborne retaliate as their means of survival.


One particular renegade among the Cyborne steps up and makes a wild declaration. He claims that the government had planned out everything. From the operations to the war. He claims that this whole scheme was an international conspiracy to eliminate a portion of the human population for whatever reason. He even goes so far to say that the Cyborne malfunctions were planned.


Naturally, he quickly scales the list of the world's most wanted men, and surrounds himself with an entourage of Cyborne rebels:


-Drake Jasper. A British mercenary that steps out of his occupation to join the entourage for personal purposes. He hopes to avenge his wife, who was killed in the Malfunction Massacre, by exposing the conspiracy that killed her.


-Jack Corby. An American millionare who was knocked off his economic pedestal by the Termination Grant. Now he hopes to regain his power in whatever way he can.


-John Ratterson. A German scientist that believes the Cyborne to be only one step into a technical revolution that could change the world. He finds the termination of said race to be an offense to the field of science and technology. He hopes to continue the technical revolution by saving his race of Cyborne from certain death.


-Michael Falkan. A man that answers to no country, but has a long history of abuse from Cyborne prejudice. His dark memories fuel his motivation in joining the uprising. However, he doesn't think they should stop at exposing the conspiracy. He wishes to destroy its conspirators.


-Mark Caspian. A confused, young American that stands with the entourage on his unstable set of moral values. His purpose is to discover the truth, and he feels he is ready to face whatever obstacles might come along with that.


-Mr. Q. A man with no name and no country, he is the leader who first proposed the conspiracy theory. No one is quite sure what his plans entail, but he's the only man radical enough to pursue such a theory.


With his motley crew, Q seeks to infiltrate the highest levels of government security and bring about a revolution that will put a permanent end to the Cyborne Termination Grant. But even Mr. Q's intentions may not be so valiant as they seem. With the rest of the world pitted against them, the six radicals have to fight their way through a web of destruction and deceit in order to find what they seek.


The secret of the Cyborne.



So yeah. Dun dun duhhh and all that malarky.


Comments, feedback, whatever. I'd love to hear it. Any suggestions you may have would be warmly accepted.



Dr. Bionicle


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Just throwing this out there...would it be interesting to have one of the main characters get badly injured, and have to decide whether to become a Cyborne and live, or die?


Just a thought.



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Just throwing this out there...would it be interesting to have one of the main characters get badly injured, and have to decide whether to become a Cyborne and live, or die?


Just a thought.



That is a vital part of Mr. Q's past, who was formerly an Anti-Cybornist, but was involved in an automobile accident that threatened to take his life. After that, he began to see both sides of the Cyborne issue.


I also plan to have one of their greatest enemies, a CIA leader that is assigned to investigate the entourage, to be shot and faced with that choice. I am not yet positive whether he will live or die.



. Dr. B .

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Sounds like a really good plot. In various ways better than before. Or maybe you just put more detail into to make me more interested.


After starting to write my own book, I felt I didn't like how it started. Now I'm just writing out the parts that are the most vivid in my mind. I think the plan is working.


And a handy book on a guide to writing has amazing tips for getting out of writer's block.

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A very good plot, I like stoires where each charector has there own reasons for what the group is doing. If the final product was to be published, I'd buy it.
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That sounded like the opening narration of a movie.


I like the characters, I see you've shied away from sci-fi cliches (except for Mr. Q...that's about as camp as they come), and this is really a very interesting and original take on the humans vs. robots story. It is important, though, that you make us feel for both sides, and truly make the shades of grey dominant. That's what will turn this very good idea into a masterpiece of fiction.


Also I hope this conspiracy plot has a good payoff. That can also make or break the book.

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This sounds way better than your old plot. That old plot sounded a bit, err, Star Wars-ish, especially the father-son bit!


But the new plot sounds interesting, even if it follows the thread of motley-crew-overtaking-government line. However, I'm sure you can colour this novel in different ways to make it unique. :D



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Sounds like a really good plot. In various ways better than before. Or maybe you just put more detail into to make me more interested.

Believe me, there are some definite differences here. I've tied together a few loose ends since my first original idea, and I think it's a little more understandable now, although in that it has only become more complex!


After starting to write my own book, I felt I didn't like how it started. Now I'm just writing out the parts that are the most vivid in my mind. I think the plan is working.

That's a good strategy. It's a good idea to sometimes work out the scenes in a 'Dead Zone' style. It's almost like writing backwards. Try and find out what would lead up to that. It's kind of difficult, but it works for some people.


A very good plot, I like stoires where each charector has there own reasons for what the group is doing. If the final product was to be published, I'd buy it.

I can only say so much about each character in the synopsis. In all reality, there are some serious subplots lying beneath each character (Mark Caspian and Drake Jasper, in particular). I only have to give the best overall summary I can of each character's intentions.


That was the irritating thing about my older novel, though. They all were in it "just because". Here I think I've spiced things up a bit, which will hopefully create some dramatic tension between characters with conflicting intentions.




I like the characters, I see you've shied away from sci-fi cliches (except for Mr. Q...that's about as camp as they come)

Admittedly, yes. Mr. Q, I knew, would be a huge casualty to all my attempts at originality. I'm not quite done with him yet, and he might get renamed before all is said and done. In the previous novel, his name was X1011, which is havoc on anyone trying to read aloud. At that point I resorted to naming him Mr. X, which would've been an even bigger casualty than Mr. Q.


But yeah, when you enter the world of Sci-fi, it's very much like fantasy. Cliches are a massive no-no in this genre, because it's such a creative, open world bursting with potential. In this, I've tried to make it very much my own story, and I do notice that a few areas seem to show similarities to other novels. This I can't help, though. There is no 100% original story out there. With billions of novels in the world, it's pointless to pick over originality obsessively.


this is really a very interesting and original take on the humans vs. robots story.

The thing about it that's interesting is that we make robots a part of the humans, which at that point not only makes it Robots vs Humans, but Mechanics vs Flesh. That I hope to play on.


It is important, though, that you make us feel for both sides, and truly make the shades of grey dominant. That's what will turn this very good idea into a masterpiece of fiction.

That much is true. I've been working hard at this point to make some likable characters on the government side. I've also worked hard to make some very unlikable characters on the Cyborne side. Some people seem to be on the wrong side, but only because of the perspective given.


And I'm hoping for some serious controversy to be coming out of the ears of these characters, which ought to make it even more fun to write.


Also I hope this conspiracy plot has a good payoff. That can also make or break the book.

So true. That's part of why this project is estimated to go on for possibly quite longer than a year.


This sounds way better than your old plot. That old plot sounded a bit, err, Star Wars-ish, especially the father-son bit!

That I realized as soon as I reread it months later. I'm reworking that as best I can at this point, and I hope to throw in a different bit of drama between Q and Mark.


But the new plot sounds interesting, even if it follows the thread of motley-crew-overtaking-government line. However, I'm sure you can colour this novel in different ways to make it unique. :D

Let's hope so.



Thanks for the comments, guys!


^_^ Dr. B ^_^


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Now that I've wrote the part that was stuck in my head, I realised I originally planned to put everything that happens in the end. o_0 I don't know how that happened.



You should recognize where that's from... probably.



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