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Brown Comments



I just finished commenting in this topic. The one on brown. I have wanted to give my thoughts on this matter (brown vs. keetorange, bringing back brown, and making sure Pohatu #3 will be brown (and tan))

Here is what I said:


Brown is one of my favorite Bionicle colors.

When Bionicle first came out, I didn't like brown so much. Then my friends got me Pohatu and Pohatu Nuva for my birthday and I fell in love (not literally, stop thinking it...) with brown. The kick feature was awesome, as well as the colors for MOCing, and the pieces they came with (like the tan Rahkshi arms). The brown and tan became my favorite and I soon tried to get brown sets first with each new series.


Storyline-wise, brown started the stone group. Pohatu and everybody else. Hewkii was even brown, then somehow the Red Star skrewed up and made him yellow and gunmetal (not to mention white on a water Toa). I wish there were a storyline reason for this; instead of just Lego wanting/needing to change the color. I do understand that brown wasn't selling well, though.


I hope brown will return, though it seems the brown sets weren't selling well. I don't want to make any comments on compromise, but I hope to see some brown in the future. (Like on the next Pohatu) (Well, compromise...maybe the brown/keetorange like Aanchir suggested for anything but Pohatu....)


As far as keetorange goes, it's a nice color. I was given Keetongu as a gift and enjoyed his color (and owe my winning Piraka Fusion MOC to it too). Because of having this keetorange around I found myself buying Hewkii Inika for more yellow-orange. The gunmetal isn't too bad either. But I think I have enough right now to MOC with.

Storyline-wise, yelloworange isn't a color of stone. Brown is, maybe tan, and grey (hence gunmetal). Inner Rayg, sand is more tan than yellow. (It's also brown when wet)

As mentioned before, yellow would go better with electricity, and perhaps "energy" as has been depicted before.


Those are my feelings with the brown/stone Bionicle sets. I know why they changed, but, ultimately, Pohatu #3 had better be brown.


While we're talking about color schemes, I really want the green back that was used before Metru. I guess this is myself because all I have is Lewa, Matau, and some random bits of green Technic pieces, but I also don't quite like the darker colors on green, red, and blue (and the dark white was bad too).

More color scheme problems: white on Hahli Inika (she's water, not ice) (and lime on Hahli Mahir, same reason but she's not air), light blue on Thok and Matoro silver blue on Vezok (the silver blue should be for ice), bley on Kongu Mahri (uhg, bley....), and honestly Hewkii Mahri would be better off gunmetal than black....


So, those are my thoughts on the issue; I've had these for a long time. Maybe this is just one MOCist's point of view, but hey, isn't building what Lego is all about?


-CF :usa:


Recommended Comments

White on Hahli owns.


Really, what color is a wave crest?


Silly CF.


Brown and grey FTW on stone.


I think yellow shouldn't be cast away. I think Stone characters should be brown, but creatures like Carapar are good yellow.





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Hmm, yes, I guess Carapar is fine in Keetorange.


What color grey? (and don't say Bley)

So how about tan!?!


OK, I'm not trying to make an arguement, just a discussion. (It's also 11:30 :o and I'm tired.) As far as Hahli goes, I need to get her just for the white. I need more. I was so happy when Pridak came out with white double joints! (but with the new plastic and all I'm afraid to take him apart for pieces breaking. Speaking of Pridak, what's with the black rahkshi legs? Why not white!?!)


Thanks for the comments, BtB.



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Oh yes, the brown. I was so happy to see once again that brown on Avak... The same goes for the green and Ehlek, and really, a Lewa with Metru green would be strange. And for Pohatu, maybe with just body, feet, and of course, mask brown, while the opther has some yellow won't be bad.

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Just don't start saying that yellow-orange "doesn't make sense" on stone toa. I'm fine with "not as much sense," but you've got to bear in mind that air is not in any way green.


What's so bad about a brown/keetorange color Pohatu? Most Po-Matoran in MoL and LoMN were practically yellow anyway, and I fail to see the problem with using that on the very embodiment of the stone element, Pohatu.


Also, why does it matter what yellow would go "better" with? Wouldn't green go better with plantlife, or black with darkness?


And please, please don't blame the Red Star for the color changes of the Inika. When a Matoran becomes a Toa or a Toa becomes a Turaga, it's natural for their color to change. Otherwise, Greg would have had his work cut out for him in explaining why Turaga Vakama's not dark red.


Anyway, light blue on Matoro is hardly a step away from his Matoran color scheme, which is apparently what you crave in Hewkii Inika and Mahri. And... err... silver blue? If you're referring to sand blue (which is, to my knowledge, the official LEGO term), there is no reason why elemental color schemes should be mutually exclusive. Various Onu-Matoran have orange masks, many Ta-Matoran have black masks and feet, several Ko-Matoran have dark grey masks and feet, a plethora of Po-Matoran have black masks... Elemental color schemes have never been mutually exclusive, and I fail to see how the use of sand blue on ample Ko-Matoran characters (only one of whom is canon) defines sand blue as an "ice" color.


Lime on Hahli Mahri and white on Hahli Inika doesn't seem to me to be a bad choice of color scheme. After all, as Bunda pointed out, the crest of a wave is white, and green makes as much sense on a water Toa as it does on an air Toa (again, color schemes are not mutually exclusive). The same can be used in defense of Hewkii Mahri (who in fact looks quite awesome in black).


In addition, in defense of Pridak's legs, why not black? It looks awesome, and gives him a new, creative color scheme. Although those seem to bug you, I personally cherish every new color scheme that comes our way. I'd also like your opinions on the Visorak, as they were the things that brought about the idea of new, creative color schemes in Bionicle (As far as I can tell, the previous policy was "get one good color scheme and use it for two to three years").


Lewa with metru green is a prospect that worries me somewhat, as lime and metru green lends a different feel entirely than Lewa's classic color scheme (the same could be said of orange and dark red, though it will definitely look good on the box art :P ). I'm surprised that no people have made "return of the Mata colors" topics, but apparently that isn't such a pressing issue as making sure Pohatu contains absolutely NO yellow-orange.

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Thank you for your coment Aanchir. It is really adding to the discussion and my thoughts.


Anyway, light blue on Matoro is hardly a step away from his Matoran color scheme, which is apparently what you crave in Hewkii Inika and Mahri. And... err... silver blue? If you're referring to sand blue (which is, to my knowledge, the official LEGO term), there is no reason why elemental color schemes should be mutually exclusive. Various Onu-Matoran have orange masks, many Ta-Matoran have black masks and feet, several Ko-Matoran have dark grey masks and feet, a plethora of Po-Matoran have black masks... Elemental color schemes have never been mutually exclusive, and I fail to see how the use of sand blue on ample Ko-Matoran characters (only one of whom is canon) defines sand blue as an "ice" color.


In addition, in defense of Pridak's legs, why not black? It looks awesome, and gives him a new, creative color scheme.

As far as sand blue goes, I had felt that it was an ice color and the light blue on Thok was a water color (so Thok's and Vezok's colors should have been switched).

For Pridak, as a MOCist I would love some white Rahkshi legs, and Pridak was a great set to make some for. I have Pridak (for the white double joints) and I agree that the black legs looks good on him. (considering all the other black pieces. But what if he was entirely white? (with the red parts.) hmm...)

(Same MOCist thoughts for sand blue in Thok, but that is probably my fault for not paying attention to the colors (it's a little hard with the CG pix) and I should have gone for Vezok.)


I'd also like your opinions on the Visorak...

Hmm. Interesting topic. When the Visorak came out I wasn't into MOCing as much as I am now, so I guess I did not mind it too much. But the colors were: Red/orange, Dk Green/lime, Dk blue/lgt blue (these three matched elements) and:

White/blue, black/keetorange, brown/red. These three had a different second color, and didn't seem to match them too much. I don't quite remember what I thought back then, but considering they are rahi I probably thought they could be colored like this. The white would have been better IMO with light blue (from the blue vissie). But considering the next option for the black was bley (probably) I thought the black and keetorange looked good (on a rahi). The red on the brown bugs me too, but back then my thoughts were different and I thought both colors would be good for MOCing. I still need to get this set, and he comes with 1 brown double joint (so I really need to get 2 or 4 of this set). MOCing wise, this set and Hakann would be good for the red double joints.


I'm surprised that no people have made "return of the Mata colors" topics, but apparently that isn't such a pressing issue as making sure Pohatu contains absolutely NO yellow-orange.

I'd love to make one, but I've seen too many comments on how people like the darker colors (like green) and people also liking keetorange over brown (but need I remind people that once I got a brown set I loved it, so I'm wondering how many people that don't like brown actually have a brown set?


And thank you Night Terror for the comment, too.



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I can't really complain about Lego's color schemes. When Bionicle first came out, I wondered why Lego did a BROWN Toa, when yellow is a far more appealing color. The only thing I regret about the switch to yellow is that the brown used in Avak (the last true brown set) was the best we had ever had.

Neither can I complain about Hahli Mahri, as I had always wanted more lime in Bionicle, and this year my wish was finally granted. I'm okay with Toa Hewkii Mahri's color scheme, as it is close enough to Hewkii Inika's color scheme. (which, if they had used brown instead of gunmetal, would have been close enough to Matoran Hewkii's color scheme) As for Thok, I loved his dark white, and it would be great as another ice color if only there were more Bionicle pieces in that color.


I don't see what the problem with light blue on ice sets and sand blue on water sets is. We ended up getting the same parts in the same colors anyway, and I'm okay with them "mixing it up" a little, as long as it's recognizable what element they represent. The Visorak did that wonderfully, and have what are still some of my favorite color schemes. And remember, we've had colors recognized from one Koro in another since as early as Takua.


I've always enjoyed when Lego has "broken the mold." Not literally, because then we'd have lots of cruddy broken parts, but figuratively. If they had stuck with just light blue and blue for all water sets, things would have gotten pretty boring, wouldn't they? I'm happy with most changes Lego has made.

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We ended up getting the same parts in the same colors anyway, and I'm okay with them "mixing it up" a little, as long as it's recognizable what element they represent.

But see, a problem arises here – when you've spent five and a half years establishing that brown, light brown, tan, and in some cases black are the colors of stone, a combination of yellow and iron grey is not recognizable as stone. Taken out of the context of the other five Inika and without his name, I would have had no idea what element Hewkii was. Especially because, before Hewkii, yellow-orange had only been an element-neutral color (Keetongu) and an Earth color (Oohnorak), and its nearest colors, pure yellow and orange, were both Fire, while iron grey was closest to the old dark grey of 2001 through 2003, again an Earth color.


Objectively, Hewkii Inika and Mahri have good color schemes for stone – Hewkii Inika had a grey like that of a lot of stone; Hewkii Mahri bears a distinct resemblance to the old Po-coloring of black and tan. (Since yellow-orange has replaced tan – it's much closer to tan than it is to brown.) But, yellow-orange is not a very stone-like color: the only pure yellow stone is sulfer, and that's closest to real yellow, while something yellowish like sand is really more aptly described as tan (or beige). I personally am coping with it, as it works well as a secondary color to the two main colors Hewkii has had so far...


Just don't start saying that yellow-orange "doesn't make sense" on stone toa. I'm fine with "not as much sense," but you've got to bear in mind that air is not in any way green.

But that's a justifyable statement – green was chosen as the color for Air because the region for Air was a forest, and the Le-Matoran lived in the treetops, so they were given foresty color schemes. The Po-colors, which could have just as easily been grey or sand red, were made brown and tan and dark orange because they lived in a desert. Although the main colors have shifted to dark red, dark blue, dark green, and yellow (as black and white remain the same, Thok excluded), the former three are still directly in the spectrum of their respective original main colors, while the latter falls into the Fire palette more readily than the Stone palette. So, to many people, the change did not make sense.


And please, please don't blame the Red Star for the color changes of the Inika. When a Matoran becomes a Toa or a Toa becomes a Turaga, it's natural for their color to change. Otherwise, Greg would have had his work cut out for him in explaining why Turaga Vakama's not dark red.

But why shouldn't one blame the Red Star? To judge by their brief Matoran appearanes in LoMN, Vakama and company didn't change color when they became Toa. The Red Star changed Hahli and company into Toa – and in the process it changed their color schemes. The Mask of Life changed the Inika into Mahri, and in the process it too changed their colors. The set designers are ultimately the ones on whom blame falls (and a storyline reason cannot be used as an excuse for an unpopular set design), but looking at it from a storyline perspective, it's all the Red Star and Mask of Life's fault.



Do I want Pohatu the third to be brown and tan with silver armor? Of course I do. I love that color scheme and see no reason to get rid of it. But would I live with brown on yellow-orange? Yes, I would, if that were the only way to keep brown in his color scheme. If Pohatu lost all his brown, however, I would object in entirety.


I should mention that I was incredibly fond of Matoro Inika with ice blue – it's the perfect color for ice. But, given the choice to exchange it for sand blue and the rest of the Inika's color schemes for their original ones, I would have without hesitation. A lot of what this comes down to is personal preference, and I – and I think ChocolateFrogs is too – am among those who liked the original color schemes better than the new ones.


And I quite agree that the Nuva reborn ought to have their original color schemes. From a marketing perspective, wouldn't bright red, blue, and green canisters catch one's eye much more readily than dark blue, dark red, and dark green?

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We ended up getting the same parts in the same colors anyway, and I'm okay with them "mixing it up" a little, as long as it's recognizable what element they represent.

But see, a problem arises here – when you've spent five and a half years establishing that brown, light brown, tan, and in some cases black are the colors of stone, a combination of yellow and iron grey is not recognizable as stone. Taken out of the context of the other five Inika and without his name, I would have had no idea what element Hewkii was. Especially because, before Hewkii, yellow-orange had only been an element-neutral color (Keetongu) and an Earth color (Oohnorak), and its nearest colors, pure yellow and orange, were both Fire, while iron grey was closest to the old dark grey of 2001 through 2003, again an Earth color.


Objectively, Hewkii Inika and Mahri have good color schemes for stone – Hewkii Inika had a grey like that of a lot of stone; Hewkii Mahri bears a distinct resemblance to the old Po-coloring of black and tan. (Since yellow-orange has replaced tan – it's much closer to tan than it is to brown.) But, yellow-orange is not a very stone-like color: the only pure yellow stone is sulfer, and that's closest to real yellow, while something yellowish like sand is really more aptly described as tan (or beige). I personally am coping with it, as it works well as a secondary color to the two main colors Hewkii has had so far...


Just don't start saying that yellow-orange "doesn't make sense" on stone toa. I'm fine with "not as much sense," but you've got to bear in mind that air is not in any way green.

But that's a justifyable statement – green was chosen as the color for Air because the region for Air was a forest, and the Le-Matoran lived in the treetops, so they were given foresty color schemes. The Po-colors, which could have just as easily been grey or sand red, were made brown and tan and dark orange because they lived in a desert. Although the main colors have shifted to dark red, dark blue, dark green, and yellow (as black and white remain the same, Thok excluded), the former three are still directly in the spectrum of their respective original main colors, while the latter falls into the Fire palette more readily than the Stone palette. So, to many people, the change did not make sense.


And please, please don't blame the Red Star for the color changes of the Inika. When a Matoran becomes a Toa or a Toa becomes a Turaga, it's natural for their color to change. Otherwise, Greg would have had his work cut out for him in explaining why Turaga Vakama's not dark red.

But why shouldn't one blame the Red Star? To judge by their brief Matoran appearanes in LoMN, Vakama and company didn't change color when they became Toa. The Red Star changed Hahli and company into Toa – and in the process it changed their color schemes. The Mask of Life changed the Inika into Mahri, and in the process it too changed their colors. The set designers are ultimately the ones on whom blame falls (and a storyline reason cannot be used as an excuse for an unpopular set design), but looking at it from a storyline perspective, it's all the Red Star and Mask of Life's fault.



Do I want Pohatu the third to be brown and tan with silver armor? Of course I do. I love that color scheme and see no reason to get rid of it. But would I live with brown on yellow-orange? Yes, I would, if that were the only way to keep brown in his color scheme. If Pohatu lost all his brown, however, I would object in entirety.


I should mention that I was incredibly fond of Matoro Inika with ice blue – it's the perfect color for ice. But, given the choice to exchange it for sand blue and the rest of the Inika's color schemes for their original ones, I would have without hesitation. A lot of what this comes down to is personal preference, and I – and I think ChocolateFrogs is too – am among those who liked the original color schemes better than the new ones.


And I quite agree that the Nuva reborn ought to have their original color schemes. From a marketing perspective, wouldn't bright red, blue, and green canisters catch one's eye much more readily than dark blue, dark red, and dark green?

Thank you ToM! A great defense! I'm glad someone else has that brown passion too! I like your comments on colors in the koro's, and I think it comes down to tradition. Pohatu (and the stone elements) are traditionally brown. With the color change now, that tradition has been broken, but not entirely unless Pohatu #3 isn't brown. Although some Matoran were colors not quite to the color one would expect (looking at others and their respective Koro's Toa ). On that note, if the sets had their Matoran's colors, then Nuparu would be purple. I don't know if this is good or bad, but it would make sense because that was his color being used in his body. (I was disappointed when Kongu Inika wasn't teal....)


A couple notes to add:

I have not mentioned Matoro Inika's trans blue, so I will: I liked it too, but would also have preferred the sand blue.


Also, with color....

We ended up getting the same parts in the same colors anyway, and I'm okay with them "mixing it up" a little, as long as it's recognizable what element they represent.


Ah, but you see, you and your brother get every set that comes out. I'm lucky to get two. Blue isn't on the top of my list of sets to get first.

But this comes down to personal preference and opinion, and as a MOCist (with limited sets) I want the most I can get.


With Hahli Mahri in lime, if we associate colors with elements, where does green come in? And don't say sea plants, because the green/blue color scheme is reserved for Toa of Plant Life. (A Plant Life Toa is seen in one of the books)


On the topic of Brown and keetorange in a set...will that look good? Or will Brown and yellow look better? Has someone made a MOC using just these two colors? I'd be interested in seeing how they look. (I can't right now as a lot of my pieces are in...6 MOCs, and still coming)


Thank you, that's all I can think of right now (I was up all last night at Ultra Zone!)



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We ended up getting the same parts in the same colors anyway, and I'm okay with them "mixing it up" a little, as long as it's recognizable what element they represent.

But see, a problem arises here – when you've spent five and a half years establishing that brown, light brown, tan, and in some cases black are the colors of stone, a combination of yellow and iron grey is not recognizable as stone. Taken out of the context of the other five Inika and without his name, I would have had no idea what element Hewkii was. Especially because, before Hewkii, yellow-orange had only been an element-neutral color (Keetongu) and an Earth color (Oohnorak), and its nearest colors, pure yellow and orange, were both Fire, while iron grey was closest to the old dark grey of 2001 through 2003, again an Earth color.

But you see, precedent is still not a reliable source of information on what should or should not represent an element. Based on precedent, the colors for the six "Kal elements" would be the same as the colors for the six Toa Mata elements. All in all, it lends a very repetitive color scheme. Also, it is hardly fair to call both yellow and orange fire colors, as one is exclusive to Matoran while the other is so far exclusive to Toa/Turaga. By that logic, it woudl make perfect sense to use light grey and dark grey together to represent ice. I ask you, what would you have changed Stone colors to, knowing that a change was necessary to improve sales?


Objectively, Hewkii Inika and Mahri have good color schemes for stone – Hewkii Inika had a grey like that of a lot of stone; Hewkii Mahri bears a distinct resemblance to the old Po-coloring of black and tan. (Since yellow-orange has replaced tan – it's much closer to tan than it is to brown.) But, yellow-orange is not a very stone-like color: the only pure yellow stone is sulfer, and that's closest to real yellow, while something yellowish like sand is really more aptly described as tan (or beige). I personally am coping with it, as it works well as a secondary color to the two main colors Hewkii has had so far...

... But this is countered by the air argument, which I will fortify in the next part of the post.


Just don't start saying that yellow-orange "doesn't make sense" on stone toa. I'm fine with "not as much sense," but you've got to bear in mind that air is not in any way green.

But that's a justifyable statement – green was chosen as the color for Air because the region for Air was a forest, and the Le-Matoran lived in the treetops, so they were given foresty color schemes. The Po-colors, which could have just as easily been grey or sand red, were made brown and tan and dark orange because they lived in a desert. Although the main colors have shifted to dark red, dark blue, dark green, and yellow (as black and white remain the same, Thok excluded), the former three are still directly in the spectrum of their respective original main colors, while the latter falls into the Fire palette more readily than the Stone palette. So, to many people, the change did not make sense.

Ah, but deserts are characterized by more than sand. They are characterized by a blinding, unobstructed sun, which would justify yellow-orange by this logic.


And please, please don't blame the Red Star for the color changes of the Inika. When a Matoran becomes a Toa or a Toa becomes a Turaga, it's natural for their color to change. Otherwise, Greg would have had his work cut out for him in explaining why Turaga Vakama's not dark red.

But why shouldn't one blame the Red Star? To judge by their brief Matoran appearanes in LoMN, Vakama and company didn't change color when they became Toa. The Red Star changed Hahli and company into Toa – and in the process it changed their color schemes. The Mask of Life changed the Inika into Mahri, and in the process it too changed their colors. The set designers are ultimately the ones on whom blame falls (and a storyline reason cannot be used as an excuse for an unpopular set design), but looking at it from a storyline perspective, it's all the Red Star and Mask of Life's fault.

And yet, there is nothing to indicate that the yellow-orange was one of the extraordinary changes that the Toa Inika underwent in their creation, and the fact that the yellow-orange remained after their transformation into Mahri when most of those extraordinary changes were lost is further evidence that such is not the case.


Do I want Pohatu the third to be brown and tan with silver armor? Of course I do. I love that color scheme and see no reason to get rid of it. But would I live with brown on yellow-orange? Yes, I would, if that were the only way to keep brown in his color scheme. If Pohatu lost all his brown, however, I would object in entirety.

And what if some other, entirely diferrent change occured in the Toa Nuva-- one besides the trivial issue of color, such as the giving of new masks with no resemblance to their old ones? Would you be any less upset than if the color of Pohatu was changed? After all, nothing has provided us with evidence that such will not be the case. I personally think color should be the least of our concerns, and it's no surprise that Greg has kept the identities of new Toa teams secret for the past two years, knowing that such an outcry would be heard for every change that was made, logical or not.


I should mention that I was incredibly fond of Matoro Inika with ice blue – it's the perfect color for ice. But, given the choice to exchange it for sand blue and the rest of the Inika's color schemes for their original ones, I would have without hesitation. A lot of what this comes down to is personal preference, and I – and I think ChocolateFrogs is too – am among those who liked the original color schemes better than the new ones.

I personally have no preference. I think that giving Matoro ice blue was the best way to give him that supercharged look, even if I would have liked to see a Toa in Matoro's old color scheme (though most MOCs predicting the appearance of the Inika used this color scheme, and they tended to look terrible, so I might have reconsidered if LEGO had actually done so).


And I quite agree that the Nuva reborn ought to have their original color schemes. From a marketing perspective, wouldn't bright red, blue, and green canisters catch one's eye much more readily than dark blue, dark red, and dark green?

That, I don't know, but I agree wholeheartedly that the Nuva will not be the same without the brighter colors that characterized them in their original sets. Whether or not LEGO can pull off a change effectively is yet to be seen, and I refuse to assume that the new Nuva will look bad in any color scheme until I have seen how LEGO does it.


Thank you ToM! A great defense! I'm glad someone else has that brown passion too! I like your comments on colors in the koro's, and I think it comes down to tradition. Pohatu (and the stone elements) are traditionally brown. With the color change now, that tradition has been broken, but not entirely unless Pohatu #3 isn't brown. Although some Matoran were colors not quite to the color one would expect (looking at others and their respective Koro's Toa ). On that note, if the sets had their Matoran's colors, then Nuparu would be purple. I don't know if this is good or bad, but it would make sense because that was his color being used in his body. (I was disappointed when Kongu Inika wasn't teal....)

This is my main point. Nuparu is living (well, actually inanimate plastic) evidence that color schemes for an element can change, and that people tend to accept when the new color scheme becomes standard alongside the old one. Note that, while LEGO will probably not release sets in the old Stone color scheme, they didn't do that for Earth after Nuparu, either.


A couple notes to add:

I have not mentioned Matoro Inika's trans blue, so I will: I liked it too, but would also have preferred the sand blue.

As I stated before, I have no preference on that particular matter. Anyway, I tend to ignore my preference in these cases, looking instead at whether the set as a whole exceeds expectations.


Also, with color....

We ended up getting the same parts in the same colors anyway, and I'm okay with them "mixing it up" a little, as long as it's recognizable what element they represent.


Ah, but you see, you and your brother get every set that comes out. I'm lucky to get two. Blue isn't on the top of my list of sets to get first.

But this comes down to personal preference and opinion, and as a MOCist (with limited sets) I want the most I can get.

You've got me there. :blush:


With Hahli Mahri in lime, if we associate colors with elements, where does green come in? And don't say sea plants, because the green/blue color scheme is reserved for Toa of Plant Life. (A Plant Life Toa is seen in one of the books)

Ah, but as ToM indicated above, environment has as much of a role in determining color scheme as element in some cases. Therefore, sea plants do apply here, as much as land plants do with Lewa.


On the topic of Brown and keetorange in a set...will that look good? Or will Brown and yellow look better? Has someone made a MOC using just these two colors? I'd be interested in seeing how they look. (I can't right now as a lot of my pieces are in...6 MOCs, and still coming)

On Bionicle.com, Hewkii appeared brown and keetorange in the interactive Inika animations, and it looked quite spiffy, IMHO. Brown and normal yellow might look a bit odd (I never particularly liked the color yellow in BIONICLE anyway, although I will not deny that in the right color scheme, laid out in the right way, it could look far awesomer than it's had a chance to as of yet).

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I'm sorry if it seemed like I like yellow-orange more than brown. Brown sets have always been some of my favorites. (When Bionicle first came out, I agreed to get the brown and green canister sets and small sets) I'm just okay with the change to yellow. My reasons are as follows:


1: Consistency. So far, we have gone through FOUR types of brown in bionicle sets, and all but the last one have been discontinued. I see yellow-orange as a far longer lasting color, judging by its sales and visual appeal. As an MOCist, I like colors that I trust will keep getting new parts, not ones that will be utterly replaced after 2-3 years.


2: Similarity to older colors. I have always believed that the yellow-orange is close enough to tan to count for stone. And who says that a color can only be used in sets of a particular element? Taipu and Hafu had the same color scheme, even though one was a Po-Matoran and one was an Onu-Matoran.


3: Distinguishment from other elements. How could I tell that Hewkii Inika was a Toa of Stone? Well, because Jaller was obviously Toa of Fire, and it was easy to see that Nuparu was the Toa of Earth. When looking at the Inika/Barraki/Mahri together with other members of their respective group, it's easy to tell which one is the stone set. In addition, I think the new colors look good together, with white, black, all the primary colors, and green.


Now, I was disappointed when Fenrakk turned out to be dark red, rather than brown as he appeared (at least to me) in some early pics. I will be VERY disappointed if Pohatu's rerelease isn't at least partially brown. But if brown is gone for good, then I won't sit around lamenting its loss. I'll be seeing what new things I can do with Yellow-Orange.

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Hmm, yes, I guess Carapar is fine in Keetorange.


What color grey? (and don't say Bley)

So how about tan!?!


OK, I'm not trying to make an arguement, just a discussion. (It's also 11:30 :o and I'm tired.) As far as Hahli goes, I need to get her just for the white. I need more. I was so happy when Pridak came out with white double joints! (but with the new plastic and all I'm afraid to take him apart for pieces breaking. Speaking of Pridak, what's with the black rahkshi legs? Why not white!?!)


Thanks for the comments, BtB.




I say bley. It's a cool, under-rated color, and it fits stone perfectly.


I think only the lime joints this year keep breaking, am I right? I've only had trouble with Ehlek, and all my other Barraki are fine.


And about Hahli Mahri, how much water is blue? Truely, water can be green, brown, clear... even red. Alot of water is green.


Don't bash dark white. From an MOCists perspective it's depressing, but it looks so cool in the set...


I personaly am very happy with the Ice colors as they are going. Blue and white seem to fit it as good (or better) than any other Ice schemes.


Brown and Keetorange aren't as cool as brown and tan, but they'll do. Not that I don't want Pohatu to be brown...


Hewkii Inika's color scheme was really cool, but I'm not too pleased with Hewkii Mahri's... the black and yellow is too much like some Onu Matoran I could name...


Yay for disjointed thoughts!


Arr. I have alot more thoughts, but I have no time now.



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Quote things acting weird....

Just don't start saying that yellow-orange "doesn't make sense" on stone toa. I'm fine with "not as much sense," but you've got to bear in mind that air is not in any way green.

But that's a justifyable statement – green was chosen as the color for Air because the region for Air was a forest, and the Le-Matoran lived in the treetops, so they were given foresty color schemes. The Po-colors, which could have just as easily been grey or sand red, were made brown and tan and dark orange because they lived in a desert. Although the main colors have shifted to dark red, dark blue, dark green, and yellow (as black and white remain the same, Thok excluded), the former three are still directly in the spectrum of their respective original main colors, while the latter falls into the Fire palette more readily than the Stone palette. So, to many people, the change did not make sense.

Ah, but deserts are characterized by more than sand. They are characterized by a blinding, unobstructed sun, which would justify yellow-orange by this logic.

But do you think of the blazing sun beating down on you when you're a set designer in your air conditioned building room in Denmark? When I think of the desert I think of the sand going on for miles. (As for the color of sand, tan works, and when it's wet (on the beach) it turns brown.)


And please, please don't blame the Red Star for the color changes of the Inika. When a Matoran becomes a Toa or a Toa becomes a Turaga, it's natural for their color to change. Otherwise, Greg would have had his work cut out for him in explaining why Turaga Vakama's not dark red.

But why shouldn't one blame the Red Star? To judge by their brief Matoran appearanes in LoMN, Vakama and company didn't change color when they became Toa. The Red Star changed Hahli and company into Toa – and in the process it changed their color schemes. The Mask of Life changed the Inika into Mahri, and in the process it too changed their colors. The set designers are ultimately the ones on whom blame falls (and a storyline reason cannot be used as an excuse for an unpopular set design), but looking at it from a storyline perspective, it's all the Red Star and Mask of Life's fault.

And yet, there is nothing to indicate that the yellow-orange was one of the extraordinary changes that the Toa Inika underwent in their creation, and the fact that the yellow-orange remained after their transformation into Mahri when most of those extraordinary changes were lost is further evidence that such is not the case.

Well, I've had this theory that the MoLi is linked to the Red Star....


Do I want Pohatu the third to be brown and tan with silver armor? Of course I do. I love that color scheme and see no reason to get rid of it. But would I live with brown on yellow-orange? Yes, I would, if that were the only way to keep brown in his color scheme. If Pohatu lost all his brown, however, I would object in entirety.

And what if some other, entirely diferrent change occured in the Toa Nuva-- one besides the trivial issue of color, such as the giving of new masks with no resemblance to their old ones? Would you be any less upset than if the color of Pohatu was changed? After all, nothing has provided us with evidence that such will not be the case. I personally think color should be the least of our concerns, and it's no surprise that Greg has kept the identities of new Toa teams secret for the past two years, knowing that such an outcry would be heard for every change that was made, logical or not.

There isn't much resemblance of the Great Masks to the Nuva Masks, IMO. But I sure do hope they are plastic and the same size or smaller like the Great Masks, or they might get too big. And I am worried about things in the Nuva #2, such as their heads (metru? Please no!), their feet (back to Pohatu...the foot attachment), and Kopaka's shield (back to tradition. Same with his eyepiece)


And I quite agree that the Nuva reborn ought to have their original color schemes. From a marketing perspective, wouldn't bright red, blue, and green canisters catch one's eye much more readily than dark blue, dark red, and dark green?

That, I don't know, but I agree wholeheartedly that the Nuva will not be the same without the brighter colors that characterized them in their original sets. Whether or not LEGO can pull off a change effectively is yet to be seen, and I refuse to assume that the new Nuva will look bad in any color scheme until I have seen how LEGO does it.

But, Aanchir, can't you have your own opinion? Can't you say that you would love the old colors? Or that you want the darker colors? Can't you wish for things, like I'm doing here in my blog which is getting my wish known and sparking a little hope? What do you want? (And don't answer "whatever Lego is happy with")


Thank you ToM! A great defense! I'm glad someone else has that brown passion too! I like your comments on colors in the koro's, and I think it comes down to tradition. Pohatu (and the stone elements) are traditionally brown. With the color change now, that tradition has been broken, but not entirely unless Pohatu #3 isn't brown. Although some Matoran were colors not quite to the color one would expect (looking at others and their respective Koro's Toa ). On that note, if the sets had their Matoran's colors, then Nuparu would be purple. I don't know if this is good or bad, but it would make sense because that was his color being used in his body. (I was disappointed when Kongu Inika wasn't teal....)

This is my main point. Nuparu is living (well, actually inanimate plastic) evidence that color schemes for an element can change, and that people tend to accept when the new color scheme becomes standard alongside the old one. Note that, while LEGO will probably not release sets in the old Stone color scheme, they didn't do that for Earth after Nuparu, either.

But there have been many members here saying they'd love some purple! (Myself included) You even said it's the color of electricity for the Throwbots, and would make a good color for electricity. (But let's not cross theme's here....) If Lego had made Nuparu purple, 1) The color would have stood out 2) It's new and exciting and makes people scream "new color!" like they did with Keetongu (and Hewkii)


A couple notes to add:

I have not mentioned Matoro Inika's trans blue, so I will: I liked it too, but would also have preferred the sand blue.

As I stated before, I have no preference on that particular matter. Anyway, I tend to ignore my preference in these cases, looking instead at whether the set as a whole exceeds expectations.

Who's expectations? Yours? Whoever is reviewing it for BZP? What a Lego employee says down at the Lego store? What the kid next to you in the toy isle says as he picks up the set? It's the fan's thoughts, and voicing yours is important too.


Also, with color....

We ended up getting the same parts in the same colors anyway, and I'm okay with them "mixing it up" a little, as long as it's recognizable what element they represent.


Ah, but you see, you and your brother get every set that comes out. I'm lucky to get two. Blue isn't on the top of my list of sets to get first.

But this comes down to personal preference and opinion, and as a MOCist (with limited sets) I want the most I can get.

You've got me there. :blush:

About time.... :D


On the topic of Brown and keetorange in a set...will that look good? Or will Brown and yellow look better? Has someone made a MOC using just these two colors? I'd be interested in seeing how they look. (I can't right now as a lot of my pieces are in...6 MOCs, and still coming)

On Bionicle.com, Hewkii appeared brown and keetorange in the interactive Inika animations, and it looked quite spiffy, IMHO. Brown and normal yellow might look a bit odd (I never particularly liked the color yellow in BIONICLE anyway, although I will not deny that in the right color scheme, laid out in the right way, it could look far awesomer than it's had a chance to as of yet).


I'm sorry if it seemed like I like yellow-orange more than brown. Brown sets have always been some of my favorites....I'm just okay with the change to yellow. My reasons are as follows:


1: Consistency. So far, we have gone through FOUR types of brown in bionicle sets... I see yellow-orange as a far longer lasting color, judging by its sales and visual appeal. As an MOCist, I like colors that I trust will keep getting new parts, not ones that will be utterly replaced after 2-3 years.


2: Similarity to older colors. I have always believed that the yellow-orange is close enough to tan to count for stone. And who says that a color can only be used in sets of a particular element? Taipu and Hafu had the same color scheme, even though one was a Po-Matoran and one was an Onu-Matoran.


3: Distinguishment from other elements. How could I tell that Hewkii Inika was a Toa of Stone? Well, because Jaller was obviously Toa of Fire, and it was easy to see that Nuparu was the Toa of Earth. When looking at the Inika/Barraki/Mahri together with other members of their respective group, it's easy to tell which one is the stone set. In addition, I think the new colors look good together, with white, black, all the primary colors, and green.


Now, I was disappointed when Fenrakk turned out to be dark red, rather than brown as he appeared (at least to me) in some early pics. I will be VERY disappointed if Pohatu's rerelease isn't at least partially brown. But if brown is gone for good, then I won't sit around lamenting its loss. I'll be seeing what new things I can do with Yellow-Orange.


Good points too. I would have loved if there was a brown titan out! I need to get about 4 of the brown Inika armor on Vezon's staff....


1) Ah, more colors would be good, especially if you already have all the old ones. Some of us here do not. Perhaps that's a personal problem.


2) I can deal with that. That's your opinion and I'll respect that (as well as other's opinions, that's why I'm not yelling and flames about right and wrong)


3) I don't think this one fits. I thought we were discussing brown vs. keetorange vs. what we want. It seems to be a little bit on the side of what Lego wants, not us as fans.


Thank you all for all your comments. I was able to get a little something together to see how brown and keetorange looks, and I'll admit it's not too bad. This doesn't mean I don't want the tan back for Pohatu, but I could tolerate another brown Toa with this color scheme.


Thanks Bundalings!

I realize that water is more than blue, but throughout the ages of life water has been classified as blue. The sea water may be green, dirty water brown, but pure water is clear and has a slight tint of blue. Like Motoro Inika's Ice Blue.

Speaking of the Trans Ice Blue, one of my joints broke, but yes, so far only my lime joints have broken. I wonder if Lego will ship replacements to me for free?

Hmm, Hewkii Mahri. He'd look better with the gunmetal from the Inika. Except for the black hordika-like feet, nothing is new. If Lego made the Toa Metru legs gunmetal....

(If you wonder why I'm speculating about this, and not brown, it's because it's too late and Lego is content with this for now, not brown.)



Yes/No: Personally, do you want Pohatu to be Brown? Tan?

(And don't go into sales and Lego and other fans. Let's assume everybody agrees with you 100%)


Me: Yes and Yes. Tradition, pieces, nostalgia, the works.



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I read your rant on the newa nuva. I disagree with you on the heads remaining the same, as the old heads had the dreaded non-removable eyepieces.


Also, you seem confused as to what I meant on my point #1. I'm saying new colors can be a bad thing. There have been 4 colors of brown in Bionicle, which means fewer pieces in each color. Compare the brown in Avak with the brown in any Metru-Nui set. (which actually is discolored sometimes, causing ANOTHER type of brown. Then compare those with the brown in Pohatu, and finally compare them all with the brown (almost copper) from Panrahk. These similar, yet very different colors of brown are chaos for MOCing. Many MOCers disregard this difference, but I loathe using these together, and am often wishing for, say, a Rahkshi foot in Pohatu brown.


Now we look at yellow-orange. This is the third year in in which it was used in sets. Already it has outlasted all but the first brown, and if yellow-orange continues to thrive there will be no replacing it any time soon.


As for point #3, let me rephrase. While yellow-orange does not immediately suggest stone, I could not mistake Hewkii Inika or Mahri for Fire or Earth Toa. Yellow-Orange and Yellow have never been more than a secondary color on either of those, and it is featured very prominently on all Stone sets since the change was made.


And to back up Aanchir's argument on deserts, the sand in deserts often looks yellow-orange, and even looks to be a darker orange in the evening.


And as for your question, yes, I would like Pohatu to be brown. I think it would be in bad taste for Lego to make him any other color, but like Aanchir, I am reserving my judgement until I have seen the other aspects of the set.

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"Quote things acting weird....

Just don't start saying that yellow-orange "doesn't make sense" on stone toa. I'm fine with "not as much sense," but you've got to bear in mind that air is not in any way green.

But that's a justifyable statement – green was chosen as the color for Air because the region for Air was a forest, and the Le-Matoran lived in the treetops, so they were given foresty color schemes. The Po-colors, which could have just as easily been grey or sand red, were made brown and tan and dark orange because they lived in a desert. Although the main colors have shifted to dark red, dark blue, dark green, and yellow (as black and white remain the same, Thok excluded), the former three are still directly in the spectrum of their respective original main colors, while the latter falls into the Fire palette more readily than the Stone palette. So, to many people, the change did not make sense.

Ah, but deserts are characterized by more than sand. They are characterized by a blinding, unobstructed sun, which would justify yellow-orange by this logic.

But do you think of the blazing sun beating down on you when you're a set designer in your air conditioned building room in Denmark? When I think of the desert I think of the sand going on for miles. (As for the color of sand, tan works, and when it's wet (on the beach) it turns brown.)"

First of all, the comparison of wet sand to the brown scheme is irrelevant, as wet sand hardly exists in deserts. Besides, brown is more closely related to earth than to stone, in my opinion.



And please, please don't blame the Red Star for the color changes of the Inika. When a Matoran becomes a Toa or a Toa becomes a Turaga, it's natural for their color to change. Otherwise, Greg would have had his work cut out for him in explaining why Turaga Vakama's not dark red.

But why shouldn't one blame the Red Star? To judge by their brief Matoran appearanes in LoMN, Vakama and company didn't change color when they became Toa. The Red Star changed Hahli and company into Toa – and in the process it changed their color schemes. The Mask of Life changed the Inika into Mahri, and in the process it too changed their colors. The set designers are ultimately the ones on whom blame falls (and a storyline reason cannot be used as an excuse for an unpopular set design), but looking at it from a storyline perspective, it's all the Red Star and Mask of Life's fault.

And yet, there is nothing to indicate that the yellow-orange was one of the extraordinary changes that the Toa Inika underwent in their creation, and the fact that the yellow-orange remained after their transformation into Mahri when most of those extraordinary changes were lost is further evidence that such is not the case.

Well, I've had this theory that the MoLi is linked to the Red Star...."

Sounds awesome. I'd love to see you blog about it/make a topic about it sometime; I'd love to hear it.



Do I want Pohatu the third to be brown and tan with silver armor? Of course I do. I love that color scheme and see no reason to get rid of it. But would I live with brown on yellow-orange? Yes, I would, if that were the only way to keep brown in his color scheme. If Pohatu lost all his brown, however, I would object in entirety.

And what if some other, entirely diferrent change occured in the Toa Nuva-- one besides the trivial issue of color, such as the giving of new masks with no resemblance to their old ones? Would you be any less upset than if the color of Pohatu was changed? After all, nothing has provided us with evidence that such will not be the case. I personally think color should be the least of our concerns, and it's no surprise that Greg has kept the identities of new Toa teams secret for the past two years, knowing that such an outcry would be heard for every change that was made, logical or not.

There isn't much resemblance of the Great Masks to the Nuva Masks, IMO. But I sure do hope they are plastic and the same size or smaller like the Great Masks, or they might get too big. And I am worried about things in the Nuva #2, such as their heads (metru? Please no!), their feet (back to Pohatu...the foot attachment), and Kopaka's shield (back to tradition. Same with his eyepiece)"

Actually, the discontinuation of Mata heads is long overdue. After all, the Mahri masks hardly fit them, and while I often prefer to use the Mata masks, it's becoming less and less convenient. But yes... The Pohatu foot attachment coming back would be very nice indeed. As for the masks, you have little to worry about... The Mahri masks are evidence that masks are becoming smaller again at last.



And I quite agree that the Nuva reborn ought to have their original color schemes. From a marketing perspective, wouldn't bright red, blue, and green canisters catch one's eye much more readily than dark blue, dark red, and dark green?

That, I don't know, but I agree wholeheartedly that the Nuva will not be the same without the brighter colors that characterized them in their original sets. Whether or not LEGO can pull off a change effectively is yet to be seen, and I refuse to assume that the new Nuva will look bad in any color scheme until I have seen how LEGO does it.

But, Aanchir, can't you have your own opinion? Can't you say that you would love the old colors? Or that you want the darker colors? Can't you wish for things, like I'm doing here in my blog which is getting my wish known and sparking a little hope? What do you want? (And don't answer "whatever Lego is happy with")"

Nay. I have my own opinion, but I choose not to let anticipation spoil it. I choose not to decide what I like in the sets until I have seen it for myself, and I put little faith in my powers of prediction, as LEGO has, as of yet, made most sets suitable, if not what we have expected. I would love the old colors, but what if the design of the Nuva was changed so that they would have looked better in the Metru colors? As of yet, it's too early to tell whether such hopes would yield good results.



Thank you ToM! A great defense! I'm glad someone else has that brown passion too! I like your comments on colors in the koro's, and I think it comes down to tradition. Pohatu (and the stone elements) are traditionally brown. With the color change now, that tradition has been broken, but not entirely unless Pohatu #3 isn't brown. Although some Matoran were colors not quite to the color one would expect (looking at others and their respective Koro's Toa ). On that note, if the sets had their Matoran's colors, then Nuparu would be purple. I don't know if this is good or bad, but it would make sense because that was his color being used in his body. (I was disappointed when Kongu Inika wasn't teal....)

This is my main point. Nuparu is living (well, actually inanimate plastic) evidence that color schemes for an element can change, and that people tend to accept when the new color scheme becomes standard alongside the old one. Note that, while LEGO will probably not release sets in the old Stone color scheme, they didn't do that for Earth after Nuparu, either.

But there have been many members here saying they'd love some purple! (Myself included) You even said it's the color of electricity for the Throwbots, and would make a good color for electricity. (But let's not cross theme's here....) If Lego had made Nuparu purple, 1) The color would have stood out 2) It's new and exciting and makes people scream "new color!" like they did with Keetongu (and Hewkii)"

Ah, but you seem to have missed the point. I am speaking not of Toa Nuparu, but of Matoran Nuparu. He had no purple on his body, and instead had the Boxor/Exo-Toa color scheme of orange, black, and dark gray. Yet, the MNOLG2 revealed to us that the two color schemes exist alongside each other in shared abundance, despite purple not having been seen in Onu-Matoran or Toa sets since 2001. Much like the creation of Keetorange as a stone color, wouldn't you agree? The only thing that interferes with this is that orange has not been seen in any Onu- sets since then, but nevertheless since then dark grey (or recently, dark bley) and black have been the official color scheme for all Onu- sets, save Oohnorak and Nuparu Inika (who had light bley instead).



A couple notes to add:

I have not mentioned Matoro Inika's trans blue, so I will: I liked it too, but would also have preferred the sand blue.

As I stated before, I have no preference on that particular matter. Anyway, I tend to ignore my preference in these cases, looking instead at whether the set as a whole exceeds expectations.

Who's expectations? Yours? Whoever is reviewing it for BZP? What a Lego employee says down at the Lego store? What the kid next to you in the toy isle says as he picks up the set? It's the fan's thoughts, and voicing yours is important too."

Perhaps expectations was a bad word. A better word would be "standards," and yes, I am referring to my own. If a set seems "good" to me compared to sets in the past, I am happy. If it seems somewhat lacking, I am displeased. However, I do not make too many predictions before hand about what I will or will not like to see in the set, as those may spoil my appreciation of what is in fact a good, if different, set.



Also, with color....

We ended up getting the same parts in the same colors anyway, and I'm okay with them "mixing it up" a little, as long as it's recognizable what element they represent.


Ah, but you see, you and your brother get every set that comes out. I'm lucky to get two. Blue isn't on the top of my list of sets to get first.

But this comes down to personal preference and opinion, and as a MOCist (with limited sets) I want the most I can get.

You've got me there. :blush:

About time.... :D "

However, don't let yourself think that our opinions of sets are not important! We may divide the small and canister sets using an established system (which I have considered amending since Keetorange replaced brown, leading to a total of four brightly-colored canister sets a year), but personal preference determines largely which titan sets I get, which Lyichir gets, and which Meiko (my little brother, who joined BZP recently) gets. So you see, we do have personal preference, and make sure to use it when deciding which sets we each get, although we as a whole get every set.



On the topic of Brown and keetorange in a set...will that look good? Or will Brown and yellow look better? Has someone made a MOC using just these two colors? I'd be interested in seeing how they look. (I can't right now as a lot of my pieces are in...6 MOCs, and still coming)

On Bionicle.com, Hewkii appeared brown and keetorange in the interactive Inika animations, and it looked quite spiffy, IMHO. Brown and normal yellow might look a bit odd (I never particularly liked the color yellow in BIONICLE anyway, although I will not deny that in the right color scheme, laid out in the right way, it could look far awesomer than it's had a chance to as of yet).


I'm sorry if it seemed like I like yellow-orange more than brown. Brown sets have always been some of my favorites....I'm just okay with the change to yellow. My reasons are as follows:


1: Consistency. So far, we have gone through FOUR types of brown in bionicle sets... I see yellow-orange as a far longer lasting color, judging by its sales and visual appeal. As an MOCist, I like colors that I trust will keep getting new parts, not ones that will be utterly replaced after 2-3 years.


2: Similarity to older colors. I have always believed that the yellow-orange is close enough to tan to count for stone. And who says that a color can only be used in sets of a particular element? Taipu and Hafu had the same color scheme, even though one was a Po-Matoran and one was an Onu-Matoran.


3: Distinguishment from other elements. How could I tell that Hewkii Inika was a Toa of Stone? Well, because Jaller was obviously Toa of Fire, and it was easy to see that Nuparu was the Toa of Earth. When looking at the Inika/Barraki/Mahri together with other members of their respective group, it's easy to tell which one is the stone set. In addition, I think the new colors look good together, with white, black, all the primary colors, and green.


Now, I was disappointed when Fenrakk turned out to be dark red, rather than brown as he appeared (at least to me) in some early pics. I will be VERY disappointed if Pohatu's rerelease isn't at least partially brown. But if brown is gone for good, then I won't sit around lamenting its loss. I'll be seeing what new things I can do with Yellow-Orange.


Good points too. I would have loved if there was a brown titan out! I need to get about 4 of the brown Inika armor on Vezon's staff....


1) Ah, more colors would be good, especially if you already have all the old ones. Some of us here do not. Perhaps that's a personal problem.


2) I can deal with that. That's your opinion and I'll respect that (as well as other's opinions, that's why I'm not yelling and flames about right and wrong)


3) I don't think this one fits. I thought we were discussing brown vs. keetorange vs. what we want. It seems to be a little bit on the side of what Lego wants, not us as fans."

No, it is more on the side of what BIONICLE's fanbase wants. We have already left BIONICLE's target fanbase, unless the newer UCS-sized sets Greg has mentioned stretch the target audience to include us. As it is, the focus groups have done a good job of deciding what would sell best (although I would have liked to see a tool unique to Kongu Mahri), and we have to accept that if it causes BIONICLE to withstand the tests of time, it must be good.


"Thank you all for all your comments. I was able to get a little something together to see how brown and keetorange looks, and I'll admit it's not too bad. This doesn't mean I don't want the tan back for Pohatu, but I could tolerate another brown Toa with this color scheme."

Glad to hear it. While hope is never a bad thing to have, anticipating a severely unlikely move from LEGO will lead to little besides disappointment. That is why I like to keep my options open in these situations.


"Thanks Bundalings!

I realize that water is more than blue, but throughout the ages of life water has been classified as blue. The sea water may be green, dirty water brown, but pure water is clear and has a slight tint of blue. Like Motoro Inika's Ice Blue.

Speaking of the Trans Ice Blue, one of my joints broke, but yes, so far only my lime joints have broken. I wonder if Lego will ship replacements to me for free?

Hmm, Hewkii Mahri. He'd look better with the gunmetal from the Inika. Except for the black hordika-like feet, nothing is new. If Lego made the Toa Metru legs gunmetal...."

Oh yeah! Although I hope you mean Inika clawed feet by "hordika-like feet," because that is what Hewkii Inika has. Anyway, I fail to see why you'd prefer gunmetal. Black has been a stone color since 2001, gunmetal since only last year. I saw gunmetal in Hewkii as being a bit obnoxious, since it seemed to me like a fallback in case keetorange didn't boost his sales enough, and in being such it was hard to tell whether gunmetal or keetorange was his primary color.



Yes/No: Personally, do you want Pohatu to be Brown? Tan?

(And don't go into sales and Lego and other fans. Let's assume everybody agrees with you 100%)


Me: Yes and Yes. Tradition, pieces, nostalgia, the works.



Yes and yes for me, as well. To be honest, Avak brown and Keetorange doesn't lend the same effect as Avak brown and tan. Plus, don't forget that the less brown sets they sell, the more surplus brown sets are left on the shelves at a discount next year. ;) (yes, I'm evil, talking casually about Lego's sales like that. But our extra Pouks is still useful, and probably will be for some time.)


With all due respect,

:vahi: Aanchir: Rachira of Time

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I agree with you all the way, although I think they should keep the Dark Blue and the Mata green but add lime with the dark green, and for the brown I like the new tan (in Avak's set). Brown is what I always got no matter what, even with the Hordika.

All the way.


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Thank you, Lyichir, for your comments, they make more sense.

I guess I can't say much more on "brown and sand colors" than that I like tradition. I guess pictures in Bionicle (for Pohatu) have had a tan sand desert, and there isn't much brown. If we look back at throwbots one guy was tan. Back farther to Rock Raiders the monster and other things were brown.

I can't give more than my opinion.

Toa_Rahaga, glad you like brown too! Brown, green, and white are usually my firsts I go for. Although I don't like this new "beige" simply because that's the only place it's seen (aside from the Sentry in Exo-Force) so I can't use it too effectively.


Aanchir, a couple things for you since we are having the biggest discussion (and I'll avoid huge posts and quote tags)


With Mata heads, I prefer these to Metru heads. I think the Metru heads are ugly and squarish, as opposed to the Mata heads that angle and have a circular mouth instead of the Metru heads what have that weird look on their mouth. And would it be too hard for Lego to shape things to the Mata heads too? (No....)


With Nuparu, that's my mistake. I was thinking of Onepu.



I'm glad we have all given our opinions. I don't think there is anything else, we seem to have said all we can on our preferences and our thoughts. I understand how some of you are thinking and I've told you about myself. I'm glad we all like Brown (in general) and understand Lego's reasons for the keetorange stone Toa.

(nice trick with the brown. I wonder if the stores still have some....)


For those reasons, and more, I'm closing this now, as I think that would be best.

(Yes, Aanchir, "with all due respect," but it's more than just Lemony Snicket....)

So I'm closing this so none of us get into crazy arguments and loose our friendships.


Here's to another brown Pohatu,


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