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Exam Results Updated



I went to school today to get my exam results, and I have to say, I was simultaneously impressed and disappointed.


AS Level

Graphics - A

Media Studies - B

Art and Design - D

Photography - D


Graphics is better that I expected, I'm really pleased with that. Media, however - my teacher graded my coursework an A, and it got a D instead, so disappointment there. That dragged the overall grade down from A to B. Art and Photography are extrememly disappointing. I haven't finished all of the modules yet, but it means that the last two I do are going to have to be exceptional if I'm going to get a pass grade for those subjects at all.


I was only going to take Graphics and Photography to A2 level for next year, but now I'm doubting that, seeing my Photography grade. I might just have to retake the course, which would be extremely sad, but I won't get anywhere with a D.


EDIT: It turns out that pretty much everyone in my year did really badly in Art and Photography. I can't understand it - even my friend Jade, her work is outstanding, and she got an E. So actually, my D wasn't too bad, considering.


:: Current mood :





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Is Jade a common name in Europe? Cause I know a Jade from Wales...

*gets impaled by a sharpened Ussal*


Yeah, I know a couple of Jades.

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How dija sharpen a Ussal? And should I say A Ussal or an Ussal?




Hm. Considering the new part, I'm guessing they have exceptionally high expectations.


An Ussal. It starts with a vowel, therefore it's 'an'.



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