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A Wonderful Star

Kopaka's Ice Engineering




Astronomy is so cool. I swear, next meteor shower I'm going out to the meadow at LaFreniere, fireants and light pollution regardless.



Amanda got down here without incident. She's called to tell me that the 8:45 interview was really just a second interview, and that the process is not complete yet. Gosh, it wouldn't be the federal government if there weren't red tape.


Yesterday on the way in, she got a phone call from a place she interviewed at on the northshore last time she was down here: they want to call her in for a second interview, which was scheduled in a quick turnaround for 3 PM, or a little more than 3½ hours from now.



I'm so happy for her, and words only begin to describe my thoughts on how much a part I've been thus far. It's a line I can trace so far back: I wouldn't be here if I hadn't gone to Akron in 2003, and I wouldn't have gone to Akron in 2003 if I hadn't been in 2001. Amanda wouldn't be where she is if she hadn't gone to Ecuador in 2004, and she wouldn't have gone to Ecuador in 2004 if she hadn't gone to Akron in 2001. And in the "us" sense, we wouldn't know each other, much less be with each other, if we hadn't spent 10 weeks in/around Akron in 2001.

They say hindsight is 20/20, but I say this is God. No, I'm not about to move up relationship timetables, but I still have to admit: God is so freaking cool.



*contented sigh* Now if only work would be so blissful.





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Isn't He just awesome? ^.^ I hope Amanda's second interview goes well! :)


I adore astronomy - it just blows my mind, looking at stars and nebulas and stuff like that through telescopes and binoculars. I'm very glad I took it as my science course last year. =3



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You like astronomy too??? AWESOME! You should check out my blog. I've been putting in things of astronomy for a while now. You just missed a meteor shower, but my blog will let you know when the next one is, as soon as I find out. If you check my blog, you can also check out the time of a Lunar Eclipse sometime in the next week or so.

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You like astronomy too??? AWESOME! You should check out my blog. I've been putting in things of astronomy for a while now. You just missed a meteor shower, but my blog will let you know when the next one is, as soon as I find out. If you check my blog, you can also check out the time of a Lunar Eclipse sometime in the next week or so.

How about Iridium Flares? Those happen almost every night!

(There are these satellites that just orbit the earth and then shine the sun down for a couple seconds. They're really cool!)



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You like astronomy too??? AWESOME! You should check out my blog. I've been putting in things of astronomy for a while now. You just missed a meteor shower, but my blog will let you know when the next one is, as soon as I find out. If you check my blog, you can also check out the time of a Lunar Eclipse sometime in the next week or so.

How about Iridium Flares? Those happen almost every night!

(There are these satellites that just orbit the earth and then shine the sun down for a couple seconds. They're really cool!)



I'm not quite familiar with that name, but I do know what they are. Have you ever seen the ISS orbiting in the sky?

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YAY FOR GOD!!!! I hope Amanda's interview goes well, and I LOVE ASTRONOMY!!! :happydance:

Have you ever seen the ISS orbiting in the sky?
I have! I've also senn Iridium Flares, and I've also been keeping up with NASA every day. :)
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