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Watashi Wa


Really, it's one of the best games I've ever played. And I'm only a few hours into the game. If you're old enough or trusted by your parents, you should check out this game. I mean, haven't you always wanted to incinerate people, watch them jump into water while you ready your electricity to shock them? At least in a video game. :P And the Big Daddies are so freakin' hard to take down. I only wish I had more time to play it. Plus, it has incredibly replay value.


Not to mention, it was only $50 at Circuit City. :D


Metroid Prime 3 comes out next week. I'll borrow it from my brother-in-law while he borrows my copy of BioShock, but I think I'ma wait and ask for it for Christmas. I'm trying to limit myself to buying one game a month.


My friends and I realized that high-fives are the perfect things to cheer people up. I mean, who can refuse a high-five? Next time you pass a friend in the hall at school, try to high-five him and see how much better you feel. It's peftect, I tell you.


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Right now it's exclusive to Xbox360 and PC, but I wouldn't doubt that 2K and Irrational would port it to PS3 sometime next year.


The combat system is very unique, and the storyline is very compeling. Weapons upgrade much like in an RPG (you know, like add on a special kind of bullets, etc.)

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