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And We're Back (no Exclamation Point)



Classes started today. As others have done, I'll list my classes and some details, most likely about the teacher and if any friends are in it:


1: Accounting

-Teacher says it'll be a hard course.

-Teacher is a little crazy, also says she doesn't quite like Accounting.

2: U.S. Government

-Teacher is mean in general. That's a fact throughout the whole school even before I got her. This is probably the one teacher nobody wants.

3: Analysis

-New teacher to the school, but he's experienced with math and was in the army for a while before he decided to start teaching. Hopefully he's good.

-I like math, and I don't think this'll be too bad.

*1 friend

4: Physics

-The course might be hard, but I'll work hard. The teacher also gives extra credit.

-Teacher is a little crazy but seems to know his stuff.

*1 friend

*1 mortal enemy/leech/why won't he just shut up and go away like everyone wants him to?!?!?!

5: Lunch

*2 friends, and another aquaintance

*Another friend. We'll see who I end up sitting with mostly. (I have mentioned this friend in the blog before, just so you know)

*Another friend coming in second semester, who will sit with my 2 friends and aquaintance

6: Creative Writing

-Great teacher! Fun guy, with a fun class. It should be fine.

*1 Friend, and more aquaintances. This is a great class with a bunch of friendly people that we all can be open with.

7: Religion: Catholic Thought

-I've had this nun before for French 1. She's not too bad, and a good teacher. It'll just take a little work.

-For first semester all we need (as far as books go) are three from C S Lewis!

8: English (4)

-The teacher is nice, young, and similar to my teacher last year (and friends with her) so there doesn't seem to be a big switch except that the class is a grade higher than last year.

Well, I think that's it for now. We have a Senior Cookout tomorrow (it's 12:05 dismissal all week!) and our first football game on Saturday, against our biggest rival, so I'm definately going!


-CF :kakama:


Quote of the Day: Two rights do not make a wrong. They make an airplane.


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