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Hahligirl Becomes A Sheikah!



LOL! Thank you Hak for the Sheik avatar! It looks AWESOME! 'Course, all the avies you gave me look awesome! :happy: Thank you!


Wait--Sheikah are supposed to be secretive. Sorry. Hee hee!


Okay, now to start on to business...


School will be starting in August here.


*Psycho music plays* :fear:


Thank you Psycho music.


Well, finally I'll be in Career Investagation. And Tennis again! I still can't believe this is my last year in Junior High! Next year: High School! NO-O-O!


Oh well. At least it's the best-looking school, next to the new Primary school. At least, I think it's better looking. You never know about a building unless you've already been in it. It looks pretty big. And red.


My school goals? Nothing much. Just stay silent and speak when neccessary. As I'm a teen, I'm beginning to have problems on my social and family life. My friends don't seem as good as good friends should be, and my family is now becoming tired and argue about 'not getting paid enough.' And I'm trying not to get mocked by other kids. As I'm growing older, I'm also much tougher. In the fourth grade, I was a helpess, crybaby. At sixth grade, I was prepared to defend my reputation (not that I have much of a reputation.)


Sigh. I have two friends, only only two at school. Now I'm starting to believe that they aren't the true friends I'm meant to have. However, they are also the longest-lasting, and I feel torn by our relationships. Life is so hard! And though I'm academically skilled, I'm also one of the shyest, and most silent of the kids in our entire school. And when teachers yell at me, I flush and am almost near-tears. :cry:


Still, I've grown much stronger than the fourth grade, believe it. Whenever someone mocks me by saying, "Hey Andrea, want to go out with so-and-so?" I have two motives: 1) Say nothing. 2) Say no.

I don't care if they snicker over me. They're dumb, and they'll grow up to be even more dumb. As for my adult life...well, I still need to reflect on that more. :wakeup2:


It's times like these that make me wish I were a kid forever. Like Peter Pan. Lucky...<_<


I don't know if I'll be able to be on BZPower as much when school starts. We'll have to wait and see, won't we? *Sigh*


Well, as much as I'm having problems, I'm also enjoying a grand time here on BZPower. So, thanks. :)


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August? We don't start until September. :unsure: Huh...


Yeah, school can be rough. But life gets better as it goes on, I guess. I hope you'll have a good time. :)

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Aha! I finally know your real name! Andrea! :P


August? Man, that's a little early. I don't go until September. School can be that way for me, too. I think you're going about handling the part about people asking you those questions a good way. :) That's what I'd do.


And I have only 2 friends at school, too. Weird. I've got at least 4 here on BZP. :lol:


EDIT: Taggied. ><

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The reason why we go to school in August instead of September, is because we leave school eariler. We leave about near the end of May. Therefore, we have to begin at the middle or near the end of August. You guys probably get out of school in June. Most schools do.
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Never. Ever put out your name. Ever.

BadbadbadBAD idea.

Seriously, Don't. It leads to stalking. And

assassination. And kidnapping. And

other stuff I'm not gonna go into.




I'm homeschooled, so I don't know when

I start. :D

Not anytime soon.



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You'll NEVER see me giving out my last name though. EVER. Or a pic of me. Yes, those late-night shows with people kidnapping kids and them killing them is so scary and creepy and--:fear:


Unless you want to put your life on the line. I doubt it.

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The Avatar looks nice, but I don't even know what a Sheikah is.




The Sheikah were an ancient clan of ninja-like warriors that swore to protect the Hylian Royal Family, even after death; as such they were known as "the Shadows of the Hylians". The most famous members were Impa, the maid of Princess Zelda, and Sheik, the guised alter ego of Zelda herself.
And the avatar is a picture of Sheik. That enough info? :P
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school can't be THAT bad. cheer up! look at the world a little more positively! huh...why am i so happy today? ah well, i can't complain. hello birdies. hello kitties. hello mutated frogs that are about to eat me. wait, what?! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! mutated frogs are trying to eat me!

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