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Nt Application Approved!



Well, I recently found out that my BS01 NewsTablet application has been approved. I am now officially on the NT Staff. :happy:

I signed up as a columnist, though I don't yet know for sure if that's actually what I'll be doing. But I'm known in real life as a fairly good writer, so I don't think I'll have a great deal of trouble if that's where they put me.


Now if only the Wiki would come back up. :P

I've been told that it'll be about a week at the least, but that's better than a month I suppose. Once it is back up, I imagine I'll be pretty busy now that I've got something more to do. I'm looking forward to it. :)



In other news, my poll, Do You Think You Are Well-Known On Bzp?, is now Hot Topic no. 3. :blink:


That's like the first time I've ever struck a Hot Topic. Pretty exciting. ^_^



Had a pretty lively chat with Kopaka's Apprentice and Electric Turahk today. Very interesting trio we make. :P



So, all in all, things are going pretty darn well for me. At least for now. :)






Recommended Comments

Who said I wanted more hot topics?


I'd much rather just make polls, despite the fact that they are rarely hot. Though I would like to point out that that poll now has seven pages. :)


Oh, and I can't stand that name. "Gravi", perhaps, but never "Gravy". :annoyed:

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