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Update For Mocs And Stuff



Remember the Systematic Project? Well, here are some updates. My parents have been away for a week or so, so naturally the whole house has been consumed with Lego building.



My living room, filled with bits of railway. And three trays of Bionicle parts, if you look carefully. What Bionicle MOCs am I making? You'll have to wait and see.


A sort of beachy scene.

The station. Hasn't changed much.

Mrs Bristow's Folly, converted into a water tower.

A pleasant foresty scene.

Proof I haven't given up Bionicle MOCs.


:: Current mood ::





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Why is there a giant octopus close to the shore of the A sort beachy scene? :blink: Its very dangerous, it could kill the sand castle


Go Xanrak, go! Destroy the next train!


Obviously, a beach is not complete without a giant, yellow-eyed octopus ready to heartlessly murder innocent little sandcastles.


And yes. Xanrak loves destroying trains.



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Oh, I like your beach... It's mellow... reminds me of my younger summer days in Hawaii. Not only are you a great Bionicle builder, but you seem to be a well rounded Lego modelist also.


P.S I'm glad to see you haven't given up on Bioinlce either!.

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But... you built that MOC a long time ago...


Yes, but, um...it still exists?

Actually, that's not the same MOC as before. If you look carefully, you'll see it's slightly different. Proof!

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