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Okay, This Is Embarassing...

Dr. Bionicle


Yeah, the last entry...the whole daily update thing...erm...well I kinda' ran out of Premier Membership. ^^;;


However, I'll be sending in my letter for another year tomorrow, SO that will be dealt with. I will have my blogging skillz yet again. And I'll be keeping you as up-to-date as possible with whatever I darn well feel like.


It's always going to be my opinions on the lastest goings on. What I think compared to what everyone else thinks. Like Rush Limbaugh, only without the slurping water and politics. =D




Only internationally available to the public.


So what will it be today?




That's the beauty of it all.


I'll be adding categories too.


I'm aiming towards beating Smeag's blog in schwayness.


And so it begins. >=D


(Also, nifty thing, I'll be having a different sign-off each time. Something for you to look forward to.)



Dr. Bionicle


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Life is cruel, isn't it? I've seen part of the Dark Side me-self. Tee hee!


That's what I get for being a Sheikah! LOL! J/K.


(I'd rather be Hahli. :P )

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A different sign-off? Don't you already do that anyway? You have one of the most unique sign-offs I have ever seen.


Still, you can't beat a good, old-fashioned copyright. :evilgrin:


©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM

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