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Maxilos & Spinax



You know, the more I look at them, the more I want to get them. Those blades, those chains, those faux-pistons, spines, mask, tubes, and GUNMETAL PARTS are hypnotic.


I want to get Maxilos & Spinax. :o


Why not? I have more than enough money to buy the entire 2007 collection of sets if I wanted, so it's not money.


The problem is that I swore that Vezon & Fenrakk would be my last Bionicle set.


I'm going out in...about 6 hours, and I'll have the chance to get a set, probably.


What to do?


EDIT: It seems fate decided for me. I went to the toyshop to have a look, wondering if the shiny box might finally win me over, but they weren't there.


The whole toyshop wasn't there.


It seems that it's either closed down or moved. So, no Lego for me today. Better luck next time, eh?


:: Current Mood ::





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Believe me, you will not regret buying them. I got 'em a week ago, and I think I'm gonna go buy another one.


Haven't done that since the Bohrok Va.



By sharp and fame,



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Giving up on buying the sets was a bad move. Go ahead and get Maxie; from the reviews I've seen he's perhaps the best set of the year. ;)


With all due respect,

:vahi: Aanchir: Rachira of Time

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The last set I bought.


See, the whole point of stopping buying the sets was because I only use them for MOCing, so continually spending money on them seems a waste. I mean, I'm going to college or whatever next year, so I won't be able to MOC then, probably.


On the other hand, it's not a lot for M&S. Maybe I should treat myself, one last time.



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This is true. However, M&S have loads of useful pieces anyway. If I can find them pretty cheaply somewhere, I think I'll get them.



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Get them!


...Yes, I know I've been resisting the urge to buy them for months, but that doesn't mean I can't try to persuade you to, does it?


They do have quite a plethora of useful pieces, and that iron grey is sorely tempting. As is the first Bionicle set ever to have full shoulder articulation. :lookaround:

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Seems everyone is telling you to get them.... I'll be diffrent. I don't think you should get them just because. :P
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You know, you just asked the members of a Bionicle fansite whether or not you should buy a Bionicle set. What were you expecting us to say?


Well, I knew that some of you would just say "omg get them there awesome!!11!" and I knew that some of you would offer sensible advice and opinions.


Guess which people I'd listen to.



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