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Big... Robots...



I'm not scared of the paranormal stuff in F.E.A.R. anymore.


They just threw this ginormous robot thing at me with twin rocket launchers on each arm. In an extremely narrow hallway. So I had to figure out how to destroy the thing with my own rocket launcher without blowing myself up while it's shooting me with four rockets at a time. And I ran outta rockets before it died.


So I did a hit and hide strategy and eventually morphed it into nothingness with a shotgun. O.o 'Course, that was after I died like fifteen times (mostly from my own rockets).


Anyway, in other news, I don't think I'll accomplish my goal of being able to finish writing the final part of ED before school; I go back in a week from today. I really, REALLY am not looking forward to it. School = near zip writing time. Rrrgh. Plus, in general, I'm really not a fan of my school. The majority of the students that go there are basically the perfect image of all the negatives of today's youth -- druggies, alcoholics, lazy people, prejudiced people, really annoying people... I have better communications skills and have more friends with the teachers than I do the other students. I'm so glad I only have to deal with it for one more year. Then I'm going FAR AWAY for college.


And then people wonder why I'm antisocial with others around where I live and why I have yet to have a girlfriend.


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Rockets+Corridors= >_<


I don't really have any experience with rockets in FEAR, because I've only played the demo, but if it's anything like Halo, I feel your pain.



By sharp and fame,



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Rockets+Corridors= >_<


I don't really have any experience with rockets in FEAR, because I've only played the demo, but if it's anything like Halo, I feel your pain.



By sharp and fame,



Well, they and their blast radius aren't quite as big as Halo's, but the launcher fires kinda rapidly for what it is; if you're not careful, you can shoot three rockets in a row. Not always a bad thing, but those plus the four that the robot (REV6) shoots can be devastating when in a four foot wide hallway like I was in.


But otherwise they're extremely effective if you want to blow away a whole corner of a room. :P

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