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Shoe Boxes >>



yeah, the title's weird, and so is the story, but anyways...


Last night my mom really wanted all our rooms clean, as well as all our toyboxes cleaned out. So we did what we do almost every year if you still have a toybox (Which, I didn't) We decide what toys to throw away, and what toys to keep.


Anyways, seeing as I didn't have a toy box, I felt free and happy, until, my mom reminded me I was the older sister, and that unfortunately, I shared a room with my little sister, who of course, trashes the place every possible moment. So I sadly walked up to my room, getting ready to clean my little sister's lovely mess. When I arrived at my room, I was stunned to see about 20 shoe boxes full of random things, no order to anything at all. This was in addition to our severeal bags full of "Dressup clothes" (AKA, old clothes of my moms from way back when that no one would dare wear now) and 5 boxes full of other toys (Three consumed in "Polly Pockets"--incase you don't know what those are, think cheap barbie doll)


When we had gone through almost all the shoe boxes (After severeal "How about you throw this away?" the answer was "no" then came the question "Why? You never play with it" and here came the answer "Yeah, but someone gave that to me for my birthday" and then came another question "Who?" and the priceless answer "I forgot" >>) I finally said it was time to get rid of these shoe boxes, which were completely cluttering my small room. Then came the firm answer "No!!!! I'm COLLECTING THEM"


Anyways, needless to say I lost the battle and they are all hidden somewhere underneath my bed >> BUT SERIOUSLY--collecting SHOE BOXES? Time for a new hobby.


So, as I'm sitting here eating this candybar (Milkyway :P) I ponder the meaning of this story. And, I forgot what it was :P




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Now now Exo, it's not nice to be making fun of people's mistakes :P


I mean, afterall, you DID spell your name wrong, it SHOULD be eggso. xD



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no it should be kastane :D
ha ha you made mistake you put capital k.


ANYWAYS, I understand why your sister collects shoe boxes. All children are magpies. In fact, just about everyone is a magpie. I collect POGs, for instance. Not really. I just have a bunch of Pogs I organize. I'm not gonna go into a store and purchase them. I think because they stopped selling in the late 90's. Whatever.

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It means there are several pairs of shoes without homes, and you have them tucked away under your bed... those poor homeless shoes.


©1984-2007 Toaraga EAM

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