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Caarrr Shhoooowww!

Lady Kopaka


There is nothing better than eating a Popsicle; the house is nice and quiet, and going to a car show. FOR THE WIN, FOR THE WIN.


I is in a very happy mood, or for the next few hours anyway. XD


I just came back from a car show, and dude, didja know I just love cars and all that classic stuff? I kind of fail at names and everything, but deep inside, when I see some sweet ride, I just want to run up and hug 'em!


I took a lot of awesome pictures, so I'm going to probably show them soon, but I'm a bit to lazy(and hot, I'm sweatin' to death over here!) to find the wire and move the pictures; I mainly wanted to post and show off this rare moment when I'm actually happy.


I kind of want to bike down the car show again, but its way to hot for that. Oh yeah, I saw a car JUST like Bumblebee, I tried to take a picture, but the guy drove off. =/


But really makes me want to get one of those awesome cars, I think I’m gunna bug my dad about such things soon…. :P


Enough of my babbles! I’ll show the pictures later today, ciao!


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I know squat about cars, but I love 'em anyway! But the Bumblebee car, was it the old Camaro he was in the beginning, or the new one later? Sad as it may be, I've never been to a car show.


Good to see you're in a better mood, though. ^_^

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Lol, you sound like my dad. He won't stop talking about cars. Especially the old ones. He keeps saying he'll get a really nice '50s model when all the kids move out. I'll bet he can't wait for us to leave. :P


And glad you're happy. Now stay that way. :P

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Personally, I don't need an extremely awesome and fancy car when I start driving, just something that'll get me from A to B... without completely falling apart. :P

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I'm not much into cars, but I wouldn't mind seeing a bumble bee impersonating car. It's a darn shame he escaped. D=


*Is waiting for pictures of cool cars* :P

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I like Volkswagons.


Volkswagons are awesome.


They go chittychittybangbang.





I love that movie.


And I love that car. =3



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ooOOOOoooo, I am jealous! You got to go to a car show! Lucky! :P


I love old cars and trucks. I'm going to build a 1968 Chevy Impala SS with the "hide-away" headlights over the course of a year or two with a friend. I'm going to rebuild the tired engine from my moms Suburban for my muscle car. The Burb is getting a new motor from my parts truck. :) I can't wait to get my hands greasy! :evilgrin:


Google Image Search the Impala, it is incredibly cool!


If you get a muscle car, be sure that it's in good running condition. You want one that has a nice motor, but not a Huge motor. You can save on gas that way. :) Look for rust, or bumpy areas that are painted. (rust under paint) Rust can be costly to fix if you don't know how to fix it yourself. It's a smart thing to do to take the car into a shop to get it checked out before buying it as well.


There are a lot of good deals out there on great old cars, so be sure to shop around! :P

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I like Volkswagons.


Volkswagons are awesome.


They go chittychittybangbang.





I love that movie.


And I love that car. =3




And I love that book. Fascinating that it was written by the same guy responsible for James Bond; less fascinating when you realize what a dark tone it has compared to many other children's books.


I need to watch that movie again some time... it's been soooooooooo long.


And... umm... cars? Yeah, I'm like you in that I love a good-looking vehicle, but I don't really know a thing about most of them. :lookaround:


With all due respect,

:vahi: Aanchir: Rachira of Time

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I'm into really old cars, like the Ford Model-T and also cars from the 50's, you know the really futuristic-science-fiction style cars.


Anyway, I am very glad to see that you're in a good mood. I hope you have a better week this week then you've been having.



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