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My Dorm...



Entering week three of my college experience. Woo hoo, haven't died yet! (Although I'm sitll getting used to my laptop's keyboard) Since I have nothing better to put here, I'd thought I'd describe my dorm room.


First of all, I'm on the seventh floor. Tis high up, which doesn't bother me. What does bother me is that I'm on the wrong side of the building. On the other side, you can get an excelent view of the Seattle skyline, with bridges over Lake Washington and the Space Needle and everything. Instead, I'm stuck on the north side, facing the suburbs and a boring Safeco building. On the bright side, I have a tree right in front of the window, so i don't have to worry about sniper attacks.


I'm in a double room, so i get one side all to myself. I have a dresser (which fits all of my clothes. I brought more than I usually would for a Boy scout camping trip, but the thing still holds them nicly. It's like it was made for long term living!) I have a bed that's pretty high up, which allows me to store some drinks and a fridge underneith it. It's pretty good... the mattress could be better, but I didn't really expect a good one anyway. The problem is it is a little high to crawl into... I kinda have to make a jump to get in. Then i have a desk, complete with a lamp and laptop, which has an ethernet cord and everything. i also have a cable attached to my laptop that connects to the desk, so if somebody tried to steal my laptop, they'd have to steal my desk too! (Not fullproof, because the desk can fit through the door, but I think it might be noticable if somebody's seen carrying a desk down the hall). And I also have a fan, because heat rises and on the warmer days, the room can get pretty hot. (Not to mention it feels good after running up seven flights of stairs).


And now, the part you've all been waiting for! Which Lego's did I bring? Well, I have lewa Mata hanging of my curtain stand, I have my MOCtoran Jaller standing atop a bulleton board. (I also broad MOCtoran Matoro, Hewkii, and Nuparu, but I'm keeping them in storage right now until I have a good place to display them). On top of an outlet, kinda out of the way but still visable, is my favorite minifigure with his katana. And standing on the side of my desk, teeth glowing in the dark, is Thok. The rest of my collection is stored in canisters or boxes back in my old room. (Hopefully, they haven't been disturbed yet, but I don't know if my sister or parents will just throw them out to make space for... whatever they plan to put in my room. Geez.)


And the best part is... I have to change rooms in two weeks when my Early Fall Start session is over, so all this stuff has to get packed up and moved across campus! Woohoo!


All in all, it's pretty nice. better now that I can access BZP from my room. Now I have to start thinking about that ten page midterm for my EFS class. Bye.




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Now I have to start thinking about that ten page midterm for my EFS class. Bye.


hahahaha sucks to be you


...Oh wait I have an anatomy paper due tomorrow.


...I'll seeya later :lookaround:

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