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Today Is Labor Day



And school starts this Thursday.


And my sister's going to Kindergarten on Thursday too, and my mom picked out an outfit for her and her backpack and shoes and clothes all match and she looks ADORABLE ^w^


I should get a haircut before school starts... it's a bad sign if I look up and I can see about an inch of my hair...


Also, my sister's going to be really expensive as she grows up... :P everything has to be brand name. Her shoes are Sketchers (because of the commercials, and someone at school had them [they can "breathe!"] and because of the toy included) her backpack is Land's End (AND customized, with her name stitches in, and a horse, which is her Chinese Zodiac sign), and I dunno about her clothes but they cost about as much as three sets of my clothes.


I can just imagine when she's a teenager... "Well so and so at school had such and such..."


Well, there is one upside. This way she'll probably get more girlfriends. My sister NEEDS to stop hanging out with those boys. They're a bad influence on her! Yes I know I'm speaking against my own gender, but people... five-year-old boys. Not good for an impressionable young girl.


See, now when she plays with toy cars she always checks the bottom for the Hot Wheels logo (again, name brand. You could probably get cars that to someone of her age would really be no different for, like, ten cents each, but she's always insisting that the Hot Wheels are faster and better [when it's really just that the boy with all the cars tends to push them faster] and will play with my old ones or the cheap plastic ones but still complains that they're not Hot Wheels). And she likes Transformers. Of course likely all this will pass within a few months, and she'll have a whole new slew of interests...


Bah, I complain, but really I love her. :P I'm sure she'll grow up to be a well-balanced young lady. And hey, she'll have no trouble meeting guys XD. She already says that she has 4 "boyfriends."




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hi ppl, =O


hah Lyg, thats great, I'm glad I was never like that :P LOL, It was just me and my four brothers until I was eight, and the worst I got was video games, somehow my mom helped me stay girly, and it was actually the boys who had problems (they used to play dolls with me)


Don't we all wish we had brand name stuff? Alas, we must live without these things :P


Oh yeah about the boyfriends, thats funny :P Happens to every kid in kindergarten, believe me xD



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