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I've Got Mezzo Mix Too!



And more on to the topic of never-heard of colas xD Actually, this one's a European soda (or pop x.x) When I lived in Europe we drank this alot, I remember coming back to the US and asking for it at a McDonalds, and they're like "What?" My Dad had to explain to me that there was no Mezzo Mix here. Sad day.


Anyways, Mezzo Mix is great, it's been described as an "Orange Cola" and it's Delicious. Alot of times here in the US to improvise and "make it", go to the soda fountain and mix a little over half with Coca-Cola, and the rest with Fanta or other Orange soda. It's not as good as the real deal, but it's still good :P


viewimagebyid.jsp.gif mezzo_mix_can.jpg

Those Mezzo Mix Bottles/cans have the same label it used to when I lived in Europe.



Apparently They've Changed their look.




Good Stuff, if you're ever in Europe, try it. :)




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