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Finally Back Home!



After nearly a month away from home I have finally returned today. I am sad to say that my grandmother died on the 17th of August, a severe case of a bad pancreas, nobody saw it coming and it only took one week. I take some solace in the fact that I was there for her final breaths, holding her hand. Leaving behind my mother and father again was a strain on my heart, but I have to take care of my own child first, just as they would. I did all I could for them in handling all of the heavy lifting and moving of my grandmothers belongings so I can say that I left when all was (almost) well.


So here I am now, back with my child, family, LEGO Bricks and video games. I return stronger I suppose, both in heart and mind. I also managed to pick up several new lego sets and Metroid Prime 3 during my leave. Good to be back, and thank you to all that posted positive comments in my last entry.


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Sorry about your grandma. I'm sure it's horrible for a family member to die, but I wouldn't know. When my grandpa died, I was a wee babe.

~Sr. G
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Sorry, for your loss, buddy. I know how it is, I lost a grandmother a few months ago. :(


However, welcome back. It's been awhile.



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Guest Cap'n Bionicle


I'm sorry for your loss. I hope your family and friends can help you through your time of loss.
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