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Insulating The House

Roa McToa


I volunteered to insulate an area of my Moms roof that has no insulation, but the house is proving that I cannot do it as easily as I had planned. What I thought was an outside access door in the roof, proved to be nailed down rather firmly. No budging whatsoever. So, consequently, I have to go ito the roof through the coat closet. Now imagine a closet that is basically enough space for you and a friend to cram in there, with a shelf below the ceiling door that you are trying to get into. Now imagine trying to take a huge bat of insulation up that tiny hole......


I dread the fiberglass. I can only hope that I don't get it all over me. I don't have any old nylons to put over my arms to protect me from the finest of fibers, so I hope I don't get insulation rash from the fiberglass. This is going to prove to be a daunting project with a lot of crawling around in tight dusty spaces.......


Oi oi oi....


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Always a fun task, with the bugs and all. I suggest getting one of those white masks to shield yourself from the dust. As for the fiberglass, its nasty stuff, cover up with a sweater and make sure you wash up afterward. Kudos to you though, your doing a good thing for your family, which I have recently found to be morally rewarding :D.

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well, I got it done! My clothes got all fiberglassy, and it was a veerryyy sweaty job. I went up into that dusty crawlspace donned in my thick carhartt coat with a long sleeve shirt underneath. I put on a dust mask, a tight snow hat, and some leather gloves, long pants and rubber boots. I taped my gloves to my coat, and taped my pants around my ankles. I practically fried up there, and after said work was done, I was so exhausted, I almost started hyperventilating. But, its all fixed, and it should be a bit warmer in Moms room now. So everyones happy :P

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That's what you get for being a good person!



Going in fully armed and armoured!


Definition of fibreglass:


A material made from extremely thin fibres of glass. Invented in 1938


- :l: :flagcanada:

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